We had a week-long celebration for World Book Day 2019, with lots of exciting events happening and lots of classes involved. 5th Class started things off with a visit to the Central Library to meet author Sarah Webb.
Our assembly on Monday got us all thinking about books that we love.
On Tuesday, the 2nd Class children taking part in the ‘Time to Read’ programme with volunteers from ‘Business in the Community’ went to the Central Library in the Ilac Centre for a special workshop.
Ms. McCaughey’s 2nd Class took part in a Skype session with author Cressida Cowell to learn more about making characters come alive!
We were excited to receive lots of new books on Thursday to celebrate World Book Day. Each class library got some new titles to give us even more choice when we #ShareAStory
2nd Class visited KPMG Ireland to read with volunteers. They shared the story ‘All are Welcome’ and complete a giant doodle with author and illustrator Niamh Sharkey and the super team from Children’s Books Ireland.

We also welcomed our annual Book Fair on Thursday. Each class got the chance to take a look at the books on offer this year and the Book Fair will be open before and after school for families to buy books for the next week.
We finished on a high on Friday with a very special visit from author David Almond. David worked with 6th Class for the morning, to share his experiences of being a writer and encourage the children to see themselves as authors too.
All through the week we took a special challenge from DEAR Ireland (Drop Everything and Read) to choose a book each day, without commenting to share on Twitter and to nominate a new school each day to take on the challenge. Here are our choices:
We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! Happy World Book Day one and all!