We encourage physical activity throughout the school day. Each class has two outdoor breaks in the playground every day. We have several zones in our yard, including areas for ball games, our ‘Craze of the Week’ activities and our walking loop so we can ‘talk as we walk’. Children are encouraged to keep moving throughout the break – no sitting allowed!

We have a fantastic team of play leaders from 4th Class who plan and lead the activities every day. They have their own store of equipment and plan ‘Craze of the Week’ and ball game activities in different areas and for different age groups each day. All children are encouraged to take part, including the less active.


Our Active Team and Play Leaders speak to children in their classes and at assemblies to remind everyone how important it is to get lots of exercise and we find ways to take short activity breaks in class, by using online tools, like Go Noodle – which we love!

Families can sign up to their own GoNoodle accounts at home! All you need is a parent email address. Click here to sign up and get moving at home!

Throughout the year, physical activity takes an important place on our school calendar, from dancing in our performances to walking on as many educational visits as we can.

Every Tuesday and Thursday, our whole school participates in our ‘Sli na Slainte’ walk. Our older children partner with the younger children and we are lucky to be able to use our beautiful local park, Blessington Basin. We have been timing ourselves, including some jogging and getting quicker and fitter each time! We know our brains are much more active and ready for learning after our walk.

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