At Paradise Place ETNS we know how important it is to build a strong partnership with families. We want to work with families to ensure children can achieve and enjoy their learning.

We communicate with families often, letting them know what is happening in school on a regular basis and helping families be involved in their child’s learning.

How do we do this?


Every week, the Principal will email parents and carers a newsletter with information about school activities, news and special events. You will also find this on our school website each week – click here.

Initial Meetings

In September, parents and carers will be invited to a meeting with their child’s class teacher. The teacher will discuss the plan for the children’s learning throughout the year and talk to you about how you can help your child at home.

Parent/Teacher Meetings

In November, we will invite all parents and carers to come into school to discuss their child’s progress. Your child’s learning will be available for you to see and discuss with their teacher.

End of Year Reports

In June, your child will bring home their end of year report. Parents and carers can make an appointment to discuss the report with the class teacher if they wish. We will also ask you for your comments about your child’s learning and this will form part of your child’s records.

Supporting your child’s learning

From time to time, we will invite parents and carers to come into school to find out about their child’s learning. For example, we may run sessions on how we teach maths and phonics or ask you to come to workshop with your child on computing including e-safety. Sometimes we may ask a guest speaker to come and share some information. At these times, staff, parents and carers have time together to share ideas and information on important issues for children’s learning.


As we develop a new school policy, we will invite parents and carers to give their views. We want to hear from you, so please do take these opportunities to let us know your thoughts.

Copies of school policy documents are available from the school office.

Talking to your child’s teacher

Parents and carers are always welcome to come and talk to us if they have any concerns about their child’s progress, happiness and well-being or behaviour. In the same way, if we have concerns, your child’s teacher will contact you straight away to discuss it.

If you want to talk to your child’s class teacher, please call, send a note or email us to find a mutually convenient time.

Parents with a serious worry or complaint should arrange to talk this over with the Principal. We hope that most problems or worries can be sorted out in this way. If you do not feel that the discussion has resolved the difficulty then you can make a formal complaint. There is a formal procedure for making serious complaints and copies of the procedure are available from the school office.

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