The whole school came together today to celebrate another successful year.
We started by congratulating all of the children who had excellent attendance this year. All children who met our target of 95% received a special certificate. We had medals for children who missed just 1 or 2 days and gold medals for those who missed 0 days!

We awarded a special group of play-leaders in 5th Class who have led our playground games as part of our Active Team for two years. These children have been exceptional leaders and brought lots of fun and energy to our lunchtimes. Thank you!

One child in each class was chosen as ‘Class Citizen’ of the year for their outstanding contribution to their class. We listened to the positive attributes of each child and how their kindness, friendship, warm smiles and positive work ethics have brought so much to their classes and classmates this year. Look at those proud faces!
Our final award was for ‘School Citizen’ of the Year. This is awarded to a 5th Class student who has demonstrated an exceptional attitude to learning and leadership. Last year’s School Citizen spoke about her experiences of chairing the Student Council, about the privilege of the role but the weight of responsibility too! We are so proud of our new appointee – a very well-deserved winner who we know will represent us very well in 2019-2020.