19th December 2019
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Christmas Greetings
The term finishes tomorrow at 12 noon. We have had another fantastic term of exciting learning and while we’re all tired and ready for a holiday, we have achieved lots and must take some time to celebrate and give thanks.
Our teaching team give 110% every day and are so dedicated to their work and to providing fabulous learning opportunities for every child. I thank them very sincerely for their energy and commitment. Thank you to Sile, our Home-School-Community Liaison teacher, who does so much to support families in need. Her door is always open!
Thank you to Colm and Liz for their work behind the scenes – as always, we couldn’t do it without you!
My thanks to all the parents/carers who have helped out this term – joining classes on a trip, coming to do Maths for Fun or Language Explorers, being part of the Parents’ Association, donating clothes, meeting your child’s teacher, sharing positive comments on Twitter and Seesaw, watching a performance – thank you to each one of you. Your support makes all the difference.
Today, I have also written to the many organisations, volunteers and community groups who work with us to provide enriching experiences for the children and their learning. We thank them for all of the opportunities they provide for us and the time they give to help us across the year. Thank you everyone!
Christmas Performances
It was lovely to see so many families joining us for our Christmas performances this week. The children and the adults working with them have been preparing and getting ready for a number of weeks and it was great to see all the hard work pay off. Each class performed on stage, with every child taking part. The singing was beautiful and the poetry was even better! Well done to the children who not only performed the poems but especially to those who wrote their own! From Japanese Haikus, to an empowering message about just being yourself and an acrostic poem about Christmas – we had it all. The children spoke clearly and confidently and we are very proud of them.
As always, special thanks to our class teachers and special needs assistants who prepared the children so well and to our support teachers who helped ensure the event ran smoothly.
Dates for your diary
Friday, 20th December – School closes at 12 noon
Monday, 6th January 2020 – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.
…and finally…
Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy the break. Our best wishes to all celebrating Christmas – have a joyful and peaceful time. Happy New Year to all and we will see you in 2020!
Best wishes,

Éadaoin Kelly – Principal