11th April 2019
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Science Fairs
We’ve had a Science-filled week at St. Mary’s with our annual Science Fairs happening across the school. This is an opportunity for us to share with parents/carers just a very small taster of the science learning the children do at school each week. It was wonderful to see so many families coming to support the children with their investigations, experiments and challenges. I was so impressed listening to the children explaining their learning so clearly to adults and then adjusting their explanations for smaller children. We saw experiments in buoyancy, magnetism, electricity and chemical reactions. We learned about the children’s investigations into our DNA, the viscosity of liquids and what plants need to grow. We saw lots of demonstrations and tried out challenges involving slime, taste tests, the sugar content in our food and so much more!
Our thanks as always to our superb team of creative teachers who enable our children to be such confident and capable scientists – not just this week, but every week.
News from this week
Yesterday, 4th Class visited the Natural History Museum, while 3rd/4th Class had their second visit to Larkin Community College for circus skills workshops and rock climbing! We’ve had several teams attending soccer blitzes run by FAI and Fun Direction. Thank you to Mr. Carney and Mr. Kerr for leading our teams! Our Catholic children attended a special penitential service for Lent, as we prepare for Easter. And thank you to the parents/carers who came to our workshop and introduction to the ‘Yellow Flag’ programme this morning.
Student Council Disco
Reminder – the children in our School Council are organising a disco in the Hall, tomorrow, Friday 12th April to raise money for Laura Lynn Children’s Hospice. We’re asking children to bring a small donation with them– please give as much as you can.
Attendance and punctuality
Well done to Ms. Graham’s 3rd/4th Class with 99.1% attendance last week.
Polling Station
We have been asked by Dublin City Council to become a polling station for upcoming elections. This means, that on days when the Government schedules an election – local, national or European, our school hall will be used for the local community to vote.
Unfortunately, for health and safety reasons, this means the school must close to children and teachers for that day. The European elections are scheduled for Friday, 24th May and so, with apologies for the shorter notice, I must let you know that the school will be closed on that day. Thank you for your understanding.
Dates for your diary
12 April – School closes for Holidays at 12 noon
29 April – School re-opens for summer term
6 May – Bank Holiday
24 May – School Closed for Polling Day
30, 31 May and 3 June – June Bank Holiday
…and finally…
We are closing tomorrow at 12 noon for the Easter holidays. We will be closed for two weeks and re-open on Monday, 29th April at the usual time of 8.50 a.m. Our staff team wish all our families a very happy holiday!
Best wishes,
Éadaoin Kelly
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