Our children range in age from 4 to 12 years. They are from a diverse range of social, ethnic, religious, faith and cultural backgrounds. We have many languages spoken in our school. We have many children from different parts of the world and many who were born and have only lived in Dublin. We have children who are in the highest range of ability and we have children who will need extra support with their learning.

We work hard to cater for all of these needs and differences by offering extra support, a wide and personalised curriculum and flexible teaching and learning resources.

Behaviour and relationships throughout the school are very good. We know that good teaching, boosting children’s self esteem, giving children responsibility, respect and a positive and praising atmosphere will enable us to make sure that all children and adults can achieve well and enjoy being in our school.

We celebrate the rich variety of languages spoken in our school and actively look for ways for our children to make a positive contribution to their school and community. Our multi-lingual children have the opportunity to train as young interpreters to welcome and support non-English speaking children and their families.

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