Paradise Place Ceremony
This week we held a special ceremony to mark our change in patronage with Minister for Education Norma Foley and Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Paschal Donohue.
It was such a gorgeous afternoon led by the children. Gabi and Asanda, co-chairs of our Student Council spoke so eloquently. All of the children listened so carefully and sang so beautifully. Well done to the children who represented our children’s teams and spoke to our guests in the Hall about their work. We were very, very proud of each and every one of you.
There were many guests who joined us – Senator Marie Sherlock, Senator Mary Fitzpatrick, former staff of the school, members of the Board of Management, Fr Paul from Berkeley Road Parish, representatives from the Dublin Diocese, the General Secretary of the Irish National Teacher’s Organisation (INTO), the Executive Dean of DCU’s Insititute of Education, the CPSMA, the New Communities Partnership, School Completion Programme, Trinity College, Grangegorman ABC Programme, Educate Together board members, staff and supporters and principals from other local schools.
Global Citizenship Video
Please have a look at the excellent video made by some of our wonderful children outlining just some of the fabulous learning done in our school about the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. It has been submitted to ‘Global Citizenship School’ for their One-Minute-Video initiative – ‘What we did for the world – Turning Learning into Action’.
Poetry Ireland workshops
Poetry Ireland Poet in Residence, Anne Tannam visited our senior classes this week for ‘Poetry Ireland Day’.
Watch the video below to see 3rd class playing ‘Sports Alphabet’ and 6th Class kicking us off with a sports poem!
And we’re off!
Poetry Ireland Poet in Residence @annetannampoetry at Paradise Place ETNS @ppetns 3rd class playing ‘Sports Alphabet’ & the lovely 6th Class kicking us off with a sports poem! Keep tagging us in your activities using #poetrydayirl
— Poetry Ireland (@poetryireland) April 25, 2024
Transfer to Educate Together
We are delighted to announce that our change to Educate Together patronage will take place on Monday, 15th April 2024 .
See article in the Irish Times here.
Say Yes to Languages
We are delighted to be in our 3rd year of the ‘Say Yes to Languages’ programme. This year, our chosen language is Spanish! Over the next few weeks, all of our classes from 3rd to 6th will have a Spanish lesson each week with our tutor, Araceli, from Argentina.
The children made a great start on Thursday – well done! ¡Bien hecho!
Science Blast 2024
The children in 3rd and 6th Classes had a brilliant time @esbscienceblast this week!
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World Book Day
We celebrated #WorldBookDay2024 this week with lots of special events – book tastings, author workshops, visits to the bookshop, paired reading and lots more!
Summer Camp Highlights
We have had a brilliant two weeks at summer camp. Have a look at our highlights:
End of Year Concert
Watch the finale of our concert: