Newsletter 7.10.16



7th October 2016


Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,




You may remember from last year that all schools in Ireland are receiving training on a new Primary Language Curriculum. This new curriculum is for the teaching of English and Gaeilge (Irish language) in the younger classes.


All teachers will attend a training course on Monday, 28th November 2016. The school will be closed for children on this day. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.


Book Fair

From Thursday next week, we will have a Scholastic Book Fair in the Hall. There will be a selection of books available for families to buy. We encourage all families to share books at home and this is a great way to build a collection. They also make fantastic birthday or Christmas presents.


The  Book Fair also raises money for the school. As for every €1 you spend, the school gets 60c to buy books for our own class and school libraries.


Please come along and support us by buying a book if you can.


News this week

3rd and 4th Class had a wonderful time at the ‘Music in the Classroom’ concert at the National Concert Hall on Tuesday. The children sang with the RTE Concert Orchestra and listened to some beautiful music.

Family Mass

Our first Family Mass for this year is this Sunday, 9th October at 11.45 a.m. in St. Joseph’s Church on Berkeley Road. Everyone is welcome.


After-School Homework Club run by Crosscare on Wellington Street

The after-school club that runs every day in Wellington Street, near SPAR, are looking for children who would like to attend. The club has places for children aged 6-8 and is open from 2.00 – 5.00 p.m. It costs €20 per month. You can call into the club to collect an application form.


Dates for your diary

Sunday, 9th October – Family Mass at 11.45a.m. at St. Joseph’s Church

10th October – 5th and 6th Class to ‘Vendee Globe Challenge’ on River Liffey

12th-19th October – Book Fair

28th October – School closes for Mid-Term Holiday

7th November – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.

28th November – School closed for children due to Primary Curriculum training for staff


Attendance and punctuality

Our top attenders are Ms. O’Donovan’s Junior Infants and 5th Class who are joint-winners on 98.2%. A whisker away from them are 3rd Class on 98.0%. Well done to all!


As it starts to get a little bit colder, please make sure your child has their coat each day and for the younger ones, make sure they can take it on and off themselves.


Have a lovely weekend!


Éadaoin Kelly


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3rd and 4th Class visit National Concert Hall

Aistear in Action!

In our Infant classes, we know how important it is for children to learn through play. Our teachers use the ‘Aistear’ framework to plan lots of opportunities for children to develop their language and communication skills. Have a look at Ms. O’Donovan’s class in action!

Newsletter 30.9.16



30th September 2016


Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,


Meet the Teacher

We had a wonderful turn out at our ‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings this week. Each class held their own meeting and we thank every parent who came in to hear about the learning taking place in your child’s class this year.


If you couldn’t make it, you are very welcome to come and talk to your child’s teacher at a time that suits you, or we can send any information shared home to you. Please just ask if you’d like an appointment.



News this week

Our Senior Infants had a super day on Tuesday when they went on a local visit to the Post Office and shop. The children have been learning all about these places in their classrooms. Each child wrote their own letter and put it in an envelope. They then walked to the post office and met Postmaster Sean. He gave every child a stamp for their letter and they posted them in the post box outside.


The final stop on the visit was to Spar on Mountjoy Street where they stopped for a  chat with Ryan’s mum who works there.


Our thanks to Postmaster Sean at Berkeley Road Post Office and to the staff at Spar for their warm welcome. You can see the photos from the visits on our Twitter page @stmarysdorsetst or on the website,



Family Mass

We will be having our first Family Mass for this year on Sunday, 9th October at 11.45 a.m. in St. Joseph’s Church on Berkeley Road. Everyone is welcome to join us, particularly 5th and 6th Class who will lead the liturgy and children in 2nd Class who will make their First Holy Communion this year.


Dates for your diary

4th October – 3rd and 4th Class to National Concert Hall for ‘Music in the Classroom’

9th October – Family Mass at 11.45a.m.

12th-19th October – Book Fair

28th October – School closes for Mid-Term Holiday

7th November – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.


Attendance and punctuality

5th Class are the winners again this week with an unbeatable 100% attendance record – well done! Close behind them were 3rd Class and Miss O’Donovan’s Junior Infants with 99% – super! As a school, we met our target of 95% for the month of September so well done to everyone – let’s keep it up for October!


We are seeing a lot of children arriving between 9.00 and 9.15 a.m. each morning. School starts at 8.50 a.m. and children should be in the yard ready to go. If they are arriving late, they are missing the start of the morning’s learning and interrupting the class who have already begun. Please support us by bringing your child to school on time each day.


We will be cheering on the Dublin football team as they take on Mayo in the All-Ireland re-play on Saturday. Let’s hope the weather stays dry. Up the Dubs!


Éadaoin Kelly



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Senior Infants visit the Post Office!

Today, the Senior Infant classes visited our local post office and met Postmaster Sean! Each child had their very own letter to post and had to buy a stamp. They also popped into Spar on the way back and met Ryan’s mum who works there!

Senior Infants go Shopping!

Miss Brophy’s Class have their very own supermarket open for business this week.

Newsletter 23.9.16



23rd September 2016


Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,


News this week

I hope you all had a chance to see the super video of the children singing in their Dublin colours last weekend on There is a link on our Twitter page @stmarysdorsetst if you missed it! Well done to everyone and thanks to Mr. Kerr for organising us all.


Meet the Teacher

Next week, we will be hosting ‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings in each class. It is a chance to find out how you can help your child at home and to ask any questions you might have. The timetable is as follows:


Junior Infants – Monday at 1.00 p.m.

Senior Infants – Monday at 9.00 a.m.

1st Class (Miss Dolan) – Thursday at 2.00 p.m.

1st/2nd Class (Miss Calvey) – Wednesday at 2pm

2nd Class (Miss Collins) – Wednesday at 2 p.m.

3rd Class – Tuesday at 9.00 a.m.

4th Class – Wednesday at 9.00 a.m.

5th Class – Thursday at 9.00 a.m.

6th Class – Tuesday at 2.00 p.m.


We look forward to seeing you then. Please let us know if the time doesn’t suit you and we will make every effort to ensure we share the information with you at another time.


Photography Policy

We recently updated our photography policy and we will share it with you at our ‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings next week. Please make sure you read it carefully and return a signed copy to us as soon as possible.

Emergency Contacts and Educational Visits

Thanks to all the families who have already returned an updated contact information sheet and have signed permission for their child to attend local visits. It is important that we hold this information for every child, so please return your signed forms as soon as possible.


Secondary School Transfer

Over the next few weeks, the secondary schools in the area will be hosting open day and open evenings for 6th Class children (or sometimes 4th and 5th Class children) to visit and have a look around. It is important that families go along and see the schools and ask any questions that you might have. The secondary schools may also pop into classes and talk to the children too. If you have any questions about applying for secondary school, please talk to your child’s class teacher or call in to see Sile, our Home School teacher.


Dates for your diary

4th October – 3rd and 4th Class to National Concert Hall for ‘Music in the Classroom’

12th-19th October – Book Fair

28th October – School closes for Mid-Term Holiday

7th November – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.


Attendance and punctuality

Another great week of attendance. Well done to Ms. O’Donovan’s Junior Infants and 4th Class who both achieved 100%! Every single child was in school every day. Well done too to 3rd Class with 99%, Miss Calvey’s 1st/2nd on 99%, 6th Class on 98% and 5th Class with 97%!



Wishing all families a lovely weekend,


Éadaoin Kelly



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Supporting the Dubs in the All-Ireland Final!

We are big Dublin supporters at St. Mary’s Primary School and we all wore our county colours today to support the team before the All-Ireland final on Sunday.





Newsletter 16.9.16



16th September 2016


Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,


News this week

Happy Eid to all of our Muslim families who celebrated on Monday. We hope you had a lovely day.


On Tuesday, 5th and 6th Class visited the library in Dun Laoghaire to take part in a special workshop for ‘Roald Dahl Day’. The children had a great time and you can see some photos on our Twitter account @stmarysdorsetst. 5th Class were lucky enough to be filmed by RTE Television’s ‘News2Day’ programme and were featured on TV on Tuesday’s edition! You can find the episode on their website.


Today, we came together to celebrate and send lots of luck to the Dublin football team who will play in the All-Ireland final at Croke Park on Sunday. Lots of children wore the Dublin colours of blue and navy and the older children sang a rousing version of ‘Sam is Coming Home’, a traditional Dublin song about the ‘Sam Maguire’ cup which we hope the Dubs will win for the second year in a row on Sunday!


Emergency Contacts

On Monday, your child will bring home an envelope with a letter containing the contact information we currently hold for you. Please check these details carefully and if there are any changes, please mark them on the sheet and return it to Liz in the office. It is very important that we have ‘up-to-date’ details so that we can get in touch with you in case of emergency. Thank you.

Meet the Teacher

Please check your child’s bag for a letter about our ‘meet the teacher’ meetings which will take place in the week beginning Monday, 26th September. Each class will have a time slot either first thing in the morning or just before the children go home for parents/carers to come into school to meet their child’s class teacher and find out about the learning taking place in that class over the coming year. It is a chance to find out how you can help your child at home and to ask any questions you might have. Please make every effort to come along.


Doodle Den

A reminder for parents in Senior Infants – if your child has been selected to take part in ‘Doodle Den’, there is a meeting on Monday at 1.30 p.m. and the children will start the programme on Tuesday.


Dates for your diary

4th October – 3rd and 4th Class to National Concert Hall for ‘Music in the Classroom’

12th-19th October – Book Fair

28th October – School closes for Mid-Term Holiday

7th November – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.


Attendance and punctuality

I am so impressed with the children’s attendance since we started back and particularly with the added pressure of the bus strikes. Well done to everyone for making such a great effort to be at school on time.

A special well done to 5th Class who have the best attendance of the week at 99%!



Let’s hope the sun stays out for the weekend!


Éadaoin Kelly


Roald Dahl Day

5th and 6th Class visited the Lexicon Library and took part in a writing workshop for Roald Dahl Day!

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