Newsletter 15.2.19
15th February 2019
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Reminder –
We are closing for just two days for our mid-term break – Thursday and Friday next week, 21st and 22nd February.
We are open as normal on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at the normal times.
5th and 6th Class want Climate Action
On Wednesday, 5th and 6th Class joined 400 other primary school children to protest about ‘Climate Change’ at Dáil Éireann, our government buildings. The children made really creative posters and banners and spoke clearly about their views on global warming and the impact climate change will have on their lives. The children have been learning lots about sustainability in their classes and it was wonderful to see them leading this action for change with their peers.
Peace Proms
Well done to all our children in 3rd and 4th Class who performed at Peace Proms concert in the RDS two weeks ago. The children practised so hard to learn all of their songs and actions. They sang with 2,500 children from around the country and the Cross-Border Orchestra of Ireland – what a fantastic opportunity! We were very proud of them all. Our thanks also to Ms. Glynn, Ms. Graham and Ms. Lougheed who prepared the children so well and to Mr. Carney, Aoiffe, Audrey and Liz who came along to support the children on the day.
News this month
Thank you to the parents/carers who came to our workshop about the ‘Stay Safe’ programme with Ms. Brophy last week, and to the parents/carers who participated in our internet safety talks too.
Well done to the 2nd Class children who led the liturgy at our Family Mass last Sunday and thanks to Ms. Yeates who prepared them so well.
3rd and 4th Class were super school ambassadors on their visit to the Lighthouse Cinema on Wednesday. The children watched ‘The Kid who would be King’ and even got to ask the film’s director questions afterwards, as part of the Dublin International Film Festival’s ‘Fantastic Flix’ programme.
Attendance and punctuality
We’ve seen a wonderful improvement in attendance this week with 97.4% attendance across the whole school. A special well done to our THREE classes with 100% attendance this week – Ms. McCaughey’s 2nd Class, Ms. Graham’s 3rd/4th Class and Mr. McGuire’s 5th!
Dates for your diary
18 February – 1st Class to Dublin Castle
21 and 22 February – Mid-Term Break – School Closed
27 February – First Penance
6 March – Science Blast at RDS
14, 15, 18 March – School Closed
12 April – School closes for Easter Holidays
29 April – School re-opens for summer term
And finally…
We are collecting tokens from Aldi for their competition to win €50,000 for our school. If you spend over €30, you will get a token. Please bring in any tokens you have – thanks.
Have a lovely weekend,
Éadaoin Kelly
[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”]Peace Proms 2019
3rd and 4th Class took part in the Peace Proms concert in the RDS in February 2019. The children sang with 2,500 children from around the country and the Cross-Border Orchestra of Ireland
Photos from the Peace Proms 2019

Minister for Education visits to launch #HTMLHeroes
We were delighted to welcome Minister for Education, Joe McHugh TD and Director of the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST), Ciara O’Donnell to our school last month to launch the new WebWise resource ‘HTML Heroes’ for Safer Internet Day 2019. Take a look at to find out more about it!
Well done to our Young Interpreters who welcomed Minister McHugh to our school and to Ms. Graham’s Class who showed us their best poses for the photographer!
Newsletter 30.1.19
30th January 2019
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Stay Safe Programme
Every year, we use the ‘Stay Safe’ programme with all of the children from Junior Infants to 6th Class. It is a national programme, that is compulsory in all Irish schools. The lessons teach the children about keeping themselves safe, dealing with bullying, stranger danger and cyber-bullying. The key message for children when they feel unsafe is to ‘say no, get away and tell’ an adult they trust. Every class will be following the programme in the coming weeks.
Ms. Brophy is available on Friday morning at 9.00 a.m. in the Parents’ Room to speak to any parents/carers who have questions about the programme content or how to support your child with these issues at home. Do come along if you have questions or concerns.
Yellow Flag Programme
We are working towards a ‘Yellow Flag’ this year to help us focus our work on interculturalism, equality and diversity.
We are currently doing an ‘Intercultural Review’ to ask our community their view on our work. The children in 2nd – 6th Class have been completing their survey in school.
We would now like to invite parents and carers to take part. The survey is online and should only take a couple of minutes.
Open a web browser and type in the link below to take the survey:
If you would like a paper copy, please ask for one at the office.
Parent Classes
Thank you to all those who returned the forms to Síle about parent classes this term. We are delighted to see lots of interest in our English classes which will start next week. There’s also space in our yoga class on Mondays and cookery class on Tuesday mornings – do let us know if you are interested.
Attendance and punctuality
With a lot of children ill, it has been a very poor week of attendance. Please ensure your child is wrapped up warmly at school and we look forward to seeing everyone back to full health in the coming days.
Dates for your diary
1 February – ‘Stay Safe’ meeting for parents/ carers at 9.00 a.m.
2 February – 3rd and 4th Class perform at Peace Proms concert in the RDS at 2.00 p.m.
5 February – Internet Safety talks for parents/carers at 9 a.m.
10 February – Family Mass at 11.45 a.m.
21 and 22 February – Mid-Term Break – School Closed
27 February – First Penance
6 March – Science Blast at RDS
14, 15, 18 March – School Closed
12 April – School closes for Easter Holidays
29 April – School re-opens for summer term
Enrolment for September 2019
Final reminder – the closing date for Junior Infant September 2019 applications is Friday, 1st February 2019. Please call into the office to collect an application form if you need one. Children must be 4 years old by 30 April 2019. We cannot accept late applications.
Best wishes,
Éadaoin Kelly
[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”]Newsletter 18.1.19
18th January 2019
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Visit from Minister of Education
We were delighted to welcome the new Minister for Education, Joe McHugh TD, to our school on Wednesday. The Minister met with children and staff during his visit and was very interested to hear about the work that we do.
He met some of our Young Interpreters, and was so impressed, he has invited them to meet him in Government Buildings to tell him more about it!
Ms. Graham’s Class then took part in a photocall with the Minister and the team from ‘Webwise’, the online safety website ( and PDST – the Professional Development Service for Teachers and their Director, Ciara O’Donnell. The photos have been taken in advance of ‘Safer Internet Day’ on 5th February and we will be able to share them with you then. The children were wonderful ambassadors for the school and even sang an impromptu chorus of ‘This is Me’ for the Minister as he left. Well done Ms. Graham’s Class!
Thank you to all the staff who contributed to the preparation for the visit.
News this week
On Tuesday morning, Senior Infants visited the General Post Office, known as the ‘GPO’ on O’Connell Street, as part of their learning about the post office this term. The children were very excited to see the post office in action and had lots of questions to ask.
After-School Clubs
We have had enormous interest in our after-school clubs this term. We have tried our very best to allocate a club to everyone and we apologise to those who may be disappointed. We tried particularly to allocate places to those who didn’t get a club place last term.
The children have a note in their bags today to confirm their places and all clubs (except English Language, which won’t start until February) will run from next week. Please make sure you take a note of the name of the club your child is attending, the day it takes place and the time it finishes. I would also ask you to ensure you are on time to collect your child after clubs. Thank you.
Attendance and punctuality
Well done to Ms. O’Hare’s 1st Class with a perfect 100% attendance record this week!
Dates for your diary
2 February – 3rd and 4th Class perform at Peace Proms concert in the RDS at 2.00 p.m.
5 February – Safer Internet Day – Zeeko Internet Safety talks for parents and children
10 February – Family Mass at 11.45 a.m.
21 and 22 February – Mid-Term Break – School Closed
27 February – First Penance
6 March – Science Blast at RDS
14, 15, 18 March – School Closed
12 April – School closes for Easter Holidays
29 April – School re-opens for summer term
Enrolment for September 2019
We are accepting applications for Junior Infants for September 2019. The closing date for applications is Friday, 1st February 2019. Please call into the office to collect an application form if you need one – and make sure to let your friends, family and neighbours know too!
Best wishes,
Éadaoin Kelly
[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”]Newsletter 14.1.19
14th January 2019
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Happy New Year!
Welcome back to all and a happy new year to everyone. We hope you had a lovely holiday and we are delighted to see everyone back and ready for an exciting term of learning.
The children have settled back quickly and last week we talked about our new years’ resolutions and our aims for our learning over the coming months.
After-School Clubs
Please look out for club letters this week. Our thanks to the staff who give their time to run these clubs after-school. Please remember that your child does not automatically have a place in a club – you must wait for the office to confirm. Please ensure we have an accurate phone number for you and check your text or app messages for confirmation.
Christmas Raffle
Thank you to the Parents’ Association who organised our Christmas raffle in aid of DEBRA Ireland. I’m delighted to let you know we raised 224 euro in total. Thank you also to those who donated items for the Crosscare Homeless Shelter next door.
Attendance and punctuality
Well done to 6th Class who had top attendance of 98.3% last week and won our attendance trophy.
It has been an excellent start to the term, with nearly everyone back from holiday on time. This makes a huge difference to the children’s learning – well done everyone!
Dates for your diary
15 January – Senior Infants visit the GPO
2 February – 3rd and 4th Class perform at Peace Proms concert in the RDS at 2.00 p.m.
5 February – Safer Internet Day – Zeeko Internet Safety talks for parents and children
10 February – Family Mass at 11.45 a.m.
21 and 22 February – Mid-Term Break – School Closed
27 February – First Penance
6 March – Science Blast at RDS
14, 15, 18 March – School Closed
12 April – School closes for Easter Holidays
29 April – School re-opens for summer term
New Year Reminders
As the weather continues to be cold, and with warnings that it may become colder, I would ask you to remind your child that they must wear a coat to school each day and they are not allowed to take their coat off when outside playing. This ensures the children keep warm while getting some fresh air, but also ensures coats do not get mixed up or lost. We appreciate your help reinforcing this message with the children at home.
And finally…
Tickets for the Peace Proms concert on Saturday, 2nd February are almost sold out. If you want to go along to the RDS to see your child – you will need to buy a ticket online. Sile can help you, if you have any trouble.
Best wishes,
Éadaoin Kelly
[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”]Newsletter 20.12.18
20th December 2018
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Christmas Performances
What a special week it has been! I hope you enjoyed our Christmas performances as much as we have. The children have sparkled and dazzled us and we are very proud of them.
3rd and 4th Class opened the show with their ‘Greatest Showman’ medley, a preview of just one of the songs they are learning for the ‘Peace Proms’ concert in the RDS in February.
5th and 6th Class sang in beautiful harmony for ‘Starman’ and ‘Somewhere only we know’, another sneak preview of their upcoming concert with the National Children’s Choir. We have a very musical Spring 2019 ahead!
We then had all of the children from Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 1st and 2nd Classes perform their nativity ‘Superstar’. The children spoke with such confidence and sang beautifully. They really helped us to think about the real message of Christmas and reminded us all to ‘shine our light in the world’.
Such wonderful performances do not happen without the time and dedication of our staff, who have practised the songs, sourced and made costumes and rehearsed lines. Thank you to each and every one – and particularly Ms. McCaughey, who so expertly brought all of the parts of ‘Superstar’ together over the last few weeks.
News this month
Thank you to all the families who attended our last Family Mass of the year. Special thanks to the children from 3rd and 4th Class who led the readings and prayers. Last week, our Catholic children attended a special Advent prayer and penitential service with Fr. Pat and Fr. David in preparation for Christmas.
Our thanks to the volunteers from KPMG who completed the #BoldGirls workshops with 2nd and 3rd Class this week – they have really enjoyed taking part.
Well done and thank you to all the parents/carers who came to take part in our Christmas art sessions in classes around the school. It is always lovely to see families working on projects together.
Last Friday, 3rd and 4th Class went to a special Peace Proms rehearsal at the National Sports Centre in Blanchardstown. The children practised their songs and dance moves with children from lots of other schools across Dublin.
Last week, 5th and 6th Class had workshops on Relationships and Sexuality Education and learned about how they are growing and changing as they get older.
On Tuesday, we had a visit from the Garda Band who played some festive favourites for us and got us all in the mood for Christmas.
Restorative Practice
We welcomed Michelle Stowe to school last week. Lots of our staff have worked with Michelle to learn about ‘Restorative Practice’ which puts good relationships at the centre of all we do, and gives us a framework for dealing with conflict when it arises.
Michelle worked with the children in 4th and 5th Class this time – sharing the values of Restorative Practice with them and training a small group to be ‘Friendship Keepers’. This group will support children in the playground to be good friends to one another.
Time to Read launch
We were delighted to launch our ‘Time to Read’ programme with Business in the Community earlier this month. We have eight new volunteers working with us this year. They will come each week and read with children from 2nd Class to help and support their confidence in reading.
Home learning projects
I have been amazed to see so many outstanding and creative projects in classes across the school this term. The children have showed such interest in their learning and we have seen lots of additional research and work being done at home. A special mention to the families who have worked together to create Mexican-themed musical instruments in 5th Class, a whole range of super projects from recycled materials in 3rd Class and dinosaur habitats in 2nd Class. They have been truly wonderful – well done!
Art Class for Parents/Carers
We were delighted to see the beautiful art work created by our parent art class on display this week. Each parent who took part received a beautiful hamper of art supplies to continue their creative work at home. Special thanks to Cliodhna, one of our SNAs, who led the group with Jessie from Step-by-Step Family Project and to Síle, our Home-School-Community Liaison teacher who coordinated the class.
Dates for your diary in 2019
7 January 2019 – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.
2 February – 3rd and 4th Class perform at Peace Proms concert in the RDS at 2.00 p.m.
Attendance and punctuality
Well done to Ms. Yeates’ 2nd Class who have the best attendance across the school for this term with 97.3% – an excellent record!
Thank you
As we head towards the holidays, I want to take this opportunity to thank our incredible staff for their hard work this term. I feel very lucky to work with such a great team with so much energy and enthusiasm. Each class teacher, support teacher, SNA, volunteer, our secretary Liz and caretaker Colm, go over and above to ensure the children get the very best learning opportunities we can offer them. I know you will join me in thanking them and wishing them a very happy holiday and some well-deserved rest and relaxation.
Our thanks to all our parents/carers for your continued commitment and support. Special thanks to our Parents’ Association for their efforts this term and to our Board of Management who volunteer their time to help move the school forward.
And finally…
Don’t forget we finish at 12 noon on Friday 21st December for the holidays. We will re-open on Monday, 7th January at 8.50 a.m.
Best wishes,
Éadaoin Kelly
[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”]Peace Proms 2019
3rd and 4th Class are rehearsing for the Peace Proms.
Have a look at the Dance Moves below and keep practising at home!
Newsletter 30.11.18
30th November 2018
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
What a busy few weeks we have had!
Parent-Teacher Meetings
We have had an excellent turnout for our annual parent-teacher meetings – thank you for taking the time to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss their progress and next steps. We have had lots of great feedback and we hope you found them helpful.
If you missed your meeting slot, please do speak to your child’s class teacher to re-schedule. We’d also value your feedback on the Aladdin Connect app and how you found using it to book your appointment. Let us know what you thought!
New Primary Language Curriculum
Last Friday, our teachers spent the day working on the new primary language curriculum. We focused particularly on Gaeilge (the Irish language) and how we can support children to transfer the skills they have in learning English to Gaeilge. We also looked at how we could teach other subject, like PE and Art, through Gaeilge. We will be encouraging the children to speak ‘as Gaeilge’ as much as possible with a particular focus on our morning routines and greeting one another at the start of the day in Irish. If you’d like to join us –DuoLingo is a great app for learning new languages.
In other news …
Last week, the dental nurse visited 3rd and 5th Class to talk about looking after our teeth. It is so important that children brush their teeth at least twice a day. We also had a visit from Cian, our local Community Garda, who spoke to 4th Class about the role of the Gardai in our community.
We were very proud of the 2nd Class children who are making their First Communion in May. The children had their enrolment ceremony at our Family Mass on Sunday. They read prayers, presented gifts and did a wonderful job! Thank you to all the families who joined us.
This week, 5th and 6th Class went to our local secondary school, Mount Carmel, to see their production of the musical Grease.
On Wednesday, 5th Class went to the National Library to see an exhibition about World War 1 as part of their history learning, while 6th Class visited the EPIC Emigration Museum as part of their learning about the Irish Great Famine.
Yesterday, 1st Class joined our ‘Reader in Residence’ Julianne at the Ilac library for a story session.
Science Week
Earlier this month, it was Science Week and 5th and 6th Class went to special workshops on holograms at Marsh Library. The children in both 4th Classes also had a special workshop at the Hugh Lane Gallery. They learned about the science of conserving art works – fascinating stuff!
Congratulations to Anka Borzasi
This week, Ms. Kelly was invited to a special reception at the Mansion House by the Romanian Ambassador, Her Excellency, Manuela Breazu for Romanian National Day.
At the ceremony, Anka Borzasi, our Romanian class teacher, was presented with a very special award from the Romanian President for her work in promoting Romanian language and culture in schools in Ireland. Congratulations Anka – we are so proud to be part of this wonderful programme.
Art Class for Parents/Carers
Our new art class for parents/carers is up and running and has been very successful. It’s an open invitation, so if you’d like to take part, just let Sile know. Thanks to Cliodhna, one of our SNAs, who is sharing her artistic talents with us!
ABC Programme – Updates
Our school is part of the Grangegorman ABC Programme, which funds programmes like Doodle Den and Incredible Years. We have been working with other schools and community organisations to continue this work and a new action plan for the community was published last week. Ms. Kelly spoke at an event to launch a new action plan for the programme with Minister for Finance and local TD, Paschal Donohue. We are working together to look at issues affecting the local community and how we can make sure all of our service can support children and families in the best ways possible.
Today, Mr. Carney is hosting a training event for other local schools, after-school projects and early years services in our ‘Sensory Circuits’ programme which we run every morning, which is also funded through the ABC programme.
NCCA Consultation – RSE
Yesterday, we took part in a consultation day with the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA). The purpose of the consultation was to speak to groups of parents, children and staff about how Relationships and Sexuality Education is taught in schools in Ireland, as part of a national review.
We had some really interesting discussions. Particular thanks to the Parents’ Association who met with the NCCA team. If you are interested in finding out more, visit the website:
Dates for your diary
4 December – Vision and Hearing tests in Infants
6 December – Launch of ‘Time to Read’
Sunday, 9 December – Family Mass
12 December – Chrsitmas Art in 4th Class
14 December – 3rd and 4th Class Peace Proms rehearsal at National Sports Centre
18/19 December – Christmas Performances
21 December – School closes at 12 noon for Christmas Holidays
7 January 2019 – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.
2 February – 3rd and 4th Class perform at Peace Proms concert in the RDS at 2.00 p.m.
Attendance and punctuality
Well done to Ms. Graham’s Class with top attendance of 98.5% this week!
It has been a challenging week with the windy, rainy weather. Remember that it’s always better to come late than not come at all.
Comhairle na nÓg
Four of our 6th Class children represented the school at Dublin’s ‘Comhairle na nÓg’ annual meeting last week. ‘Comhairle na nÓg’ means ‘Youth Council’. I am very proud to let you know that Alexandra from 6th Class was elected onto the Council to represent all young people in Dublin City. Alex had to speak in front of a big audience at Croke Park to explain why she wanted the job and she did this with confidence and conviction. it is a huge achievement to be elected – congratulations Alex!
And finally…
Don’t forget it’s the annual ‘Late Late Toy Show’ on RTE1 television this evening – always a great show – enjoy it!
Best wishes,
Éadaoin Kelly
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Newsletter 9.11.18
9th November 2018
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
1st Class appear on RTE News2Day
On Monday, Ms. Oppermann’s 1st Class visited Hodges Figgis bookshop for the launch of the new children’s book ‘The First Christmas Jumper’ with its author Ryan Tubridy and illustrator Chris Judge. The children were featured on RTE tv programme, ‘News2Day’. Check it out on our website if you haven’t seen it yet. The children did a wonderful job, we were so proud of them!
Yellow Flag training for teachers
On Tuesday, our teachers had a two hour workshop after school as part of our ‘Yellow Flag’ programme. The training focused on how we include everyone, how we celebrate diversity and how we challenge racism and discrimination in our school. The training was expertly led by Dil Wickremasinghe – thanks Dil!
National Children’s Choir
On Wednesday, we welcomed three other schools for a ‘cluster’ rehearsal for the National Children’s Choir. 5th and 6th Class have been working very hard to learn the repertoire for the choir and are singing beautifully in two and sometimes three parts! The children made a beautiful sound and we can’t wait for their big concert in the National Basketball Arena in March.
In other news this week…
Our Junior Infants were very brave this morning getting their vaccinations – well done everyone!
2nd Class began a series of four workshops on the #BoldGirls initiative with volunteers from KPMG. The children will be learning about strong female characters and authors across history and in some very special books.
Aladdin Connect – new school app
At the back of this newsletter, you’ll see a letter with more information about the new Aladdin Connect app which we are launching next week. For the first time you’ll be able to book your parent-teacher meetings from the app and choose a time that suits you! We think it will be really great – please read the letter carefully and call in if you have any questions.
Peace Proms tickets – 3rd and 4th Class
3rd and 4th Class will perform in the Peace Proms concerts on Saturday, 2nd February at 2.00pm. Tickets for parents/carers are available now for a special ‘early bird’ rate. The code you need is DUBSAT2PM. Tickets are selling fast so please book soon to avoid disappointment.
Dates for your diary
14th November – 5th and 6th Class at Science Workshop at Marsh Library
15th November – 4th Class to Hugh Lane for science workshop
Friday, 23rd November – School closed for children – staff training day
Attendance and punctuality
Well done to 6th Class with 99% attendance this week!
And finally…
I’m delighted to let you know that we raised a total of €1,224.40 for the annual Sponsored Disco – our thanks to the Parents’ Association for all their hard work and to every family who contributed. The funds will be used to buy new resources for the school.
Have a lovely weekend,
Éadaoin Kelly
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