Newsletter – Re-opening Our School Building 17.8.2020
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Returning to the School Building
We are really looking forward to seeing you all again on the 1st September for the start of the new term.
We have been working very hard through the summer to prepare the school building and to create new procedures to keep us all safe as we return. We know you will work with us to ensure the children are happy and safe.
We also know you will have lots of questions! So we are going to try to answer them here. We hope this will help you and your child to feel comfortable about our new way of doing things and to feel ready and confident to return to school soon.
We will also be creating videos for the children which we will put on Seesaw for them in the coming week. It is important that your child watches the video for their class so that they know what to expect and what to do on their first day.
Lots of things will stay the same. Some things will be different, but that’s ok. We will work together and soon the new things will seem normal.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I help my child prepare for school?
We know lots of children (and adults!) will be very happy and excited about returning to school. We know that others may be feeling worried or scared. Some children will have a mixture of all of these feelings and that’s ok too. Reassure your child – all feelings are ok.
Start to get back into a routine – get up a little earlier in the mornings, get dressed and ready for the day. Maybe start going to bed a little earlier.
Stay positive – it helps children and adults to have hope. We can do this together! Remind your child that the adults at school are working hard to get ready, our school will be very clean and all the teachers will be helping everyone to follow the new rules.
Remember the things that help us feel better when we are worried – talk to an adult, share your worries, take a deep breath, do a relaxing activity. Ask questions if you are unsure. Remind your child that when they are back at school, they can speak to their teacher. You or your child can ask questions on Seesaw and we will help to answer any of your worries.
How will you keep my child safe?
The school has been deep cleaned over the summer. We have a new cleaner, Devin, who will work alongside Colm to keep the building clean every day. All our staff will complete Covid-19 induction training before returning to work. All staff will wear masks and visors. Toys and resources will be cleaned regularly. We have clear procedures to ensure cleaning is thorough, especially in high-use areas like toilets and high-touch points like door handles, taps and classroom surfaces.
There will be hand sanitiser at every entrance/exit and in every classroom. Children and adults will wash or sanitise their hands when they arrive, after each break, before/after eating and after using the toilet.
We will practice proper hand-washing techniques with children and teach and remind children to cover their cough or sneeze.
Older children will sit in ‘pods’ or small groups and there will be 1m distance between them. Younger children do not have to be physically distant from one another, but we will also use the ‘pod’ system to help us minimise interactions.
Who will my child’s teacher be?
We have two new teachers joining us this year – Ms Kane and Ms Magner. We also have two new Special Needs Assistants – Bianca and Leah. Ms. Conlon and Mr. Carney are returning from their career breaks. We welcome them all to our community. We are also opening a brand-new special class for children with autism and have a beautiful new multi-sensory room. We will have three small infant classes this year too.
Class Teams for 2020-2021
Last Year This Year New Teacher
——————————— Junior Inf Ms. Carrick
——————————— Jun/Sen Inf Ms. Conlon
——————————— Senior Inf Ms. Kane
——————————— Special Class Ms. O’Hare
S.Inf. Ms McKelvey 1st Class Ms. O’Callaghan
1st Ms. Lougheed 2nd Class Ms. Lougheed
2nd Ms. McBride 3rd Class Mr. Kerr
2nd Ms. Yeates 3rd Class Ms. Yeates
3rd Ms. Carrick 4th Class Ms. Staunton
3rd Ms. O’Donovan 4th Class Ms. McBride
4th Ms. McCaughey 5th Class Ms. Magner
4th/5th Ms. Nolan 5th/6th Class Ms. Nolan
5th Mr. McGuire 6th Class Mr. McGuire
SNA Team:
Aoiffe, Audrey, Bianca, Cliodhna, Dolores, James, Leah
Support Team:
Ms. Brophy, Ms. O’Donovan, Ms. Palmer, Ms. Hayes, Ms. Collins, Ms. Kilkenny, Ms. Graham, Ms. McCaughey and Mr. Carney
What time will my child start and finish school?
We will use three different gates at drop-off and collection times to maintain physical distancing. These gates will be colour-coded – red, blue and green.
Each class will have their own start and finish time. We would ask you to make sure you arrive on time as close to this time as possible and go straight to the correct gate. Parents/carers should leave the area as soon as possible and not wait around.
If you have two children and the timings are difficult for you, please arrive at the time allocated to your youngest child. If you have three or more children, we will contact you to make special arrangements with you so that you do not have to wait.
Drop-Off Time | RED GATE | BLUE GATE | GREEN GATE | Collect Time |
8.50 | 2nd Class Ms Lougheed | 3rd Class Ms Yeates | 1st Class Ms O’Callaghan | 2.20 |
9.00 | 4th Class Ms Staunton | 4th Class Ms. McBride | 3rd Class Mr Kerr | 2.30 |
9.05 | Jun/Sen Inf. Ms Conlon | Jun. Inf. Ms Carrick | Sen. Inf. Ms Kane | 1.35 |
9.10 | 6th Class Mr McGuire | 5th Class Ms Magner | 5th/6th Class Ms Nolan | 2.40 |
Adults (parents, carers and teachers) must keep 2m distance from one another. Please help us with this. Class teachers will collect children from the gate and go straight to the classroom. Children will be collected from the same gate at home time. We will have coloured markers on the ground to help the children to keep their distance.
We will try these timings for two weeks and review them with your feedback. We will make changes if necessary.
What changes are being made to playtime?
We will have three separate breaks. Each class will have their own play space. The children will play with the children in their class ‘bubble’ and they will not mix with other classes.
We will have two 20 minute breaks to help stagger the breaks evenly over the day for each class. There will be gaps between each break so that classes do not meet on the stairs.
Will there be assembly?
We have a whole-school assembly twice a week to share important messages and good news. While we cannot all meet together in the hall, we will continue to have assembly online – using video chat.
How do I contact school staff?
Parents/carers will not be able to access the school building. We will set up an outdoor office in the morning and at home time so that you can speak to Liz our secretary or Sile, our Home-School-Community Liaison teacher. You will be able to order tracksuits and ask questions from a safe distance.
During school hours, you can contact us by phone on (01) 8300841 or you can email us at any time at If you want to contact your child’s class teacher, you can use the Seesaw app to send them a message or contact the school office and ask them to call you. We can arrange physically distanced meetings if necessary.
If you need to collect your child early, you can call to the school office. Liz will speak to you on the intercom and ask you to wait outside. She will call your child’s class and your child will come to meet you at the office door.
What should my child wear to school?
Your child should wear their school uniform or school tracksuit each day. These should be washed on a high heat at least once a week. This is in line with current public health advice.
What if my child is sick?
Your child should stay at home if they are sick – no exceptions. You know how hard we work to keep our attendance rates high, but this year is different. We need children (and adults) to stay at home if they are unwell to keep everyone else safe.
If your child has a high temperature, a new cough, breathing difficulties or loss of taste or smell – these are symptoms of Covid-19. You should contact your GP immediately and your child should not attend school.
What if my child gets sick at school?
If a child is unwell at school, we will call you straight away and ask you to collect them immediately. Your child will be brought to a safe designated area to wait until you arrive. Please make sure we have up-to-date emergency contact information for you so that we can get in touch quickly. If we call you, it is very important that you come to collect your child without delay.
What if a person at the school is diagnosed with Covid-19?
We will be doing everything we can to make sure this doesn’t happen. We will work very closely with the HSE if a person at school is diagnosed with Covid-19. The public health authorities will take the lead if there is a diagnosed case. We will provide all contact tracing information and will keep you informed.
I have been outside of Ireland on holiday. Can my child return to school?
You must follow the Government advice and stay at home (quarantine) for 14 days after your return from holiday. We know you want your child to return to school, but they cannot come until the 14 days are completed. This is to keep everyone safe.
How will things look in the classroom?
In the classroom, lots of things will look the same. Children will sit in small groups called ‘pods’. They will stay in their seats a little bit more than usual and will not share pencils or crayons with their friends. We will be wiping things down regularly, including copy and book covers, iPads, writing materials, etc.
Each child will have their own special folder on their desk (we will give this to them). This will have everything they need for the day.
Will my child have homework?
We will not be giving homework for the first few weeks. After that, your child’s teacher will let you know how homework will work in their class. We will be using Seesaw and sending tasks home once a week, rather than every day to reduce the amount of books and copies coming into school each day.
My child usually works with a support teacher or SNA. Will this still happen?
Yes, children who receive extra support from adults will continue to get this support. Extra care will be taken with physical distancing and hygiene. Support teachers will continue to work with children in their classrooms too, with all the safety measures in place.
Will the children be going on visits outside school?
We love going on visits! But for now, we will be focused on getting our new routines and procedures in place in school. We will not be taking the children outside the school site for the first few weeks and will review this towards the end of September.
Will my child wear a mask?
No. Masks are not recommended for children under 13. Our staff will wear masks and face visors.
What about breakfast club?
We cannot run breakfast club in one room because of physical distancing and our staggered starts. We will provide toast and fruit to each class as they arrive so children can eat before they start their learning.
What will my child eat?
Our school meals programme for lunch will run as normal. Each child will have their own lunch bag labelled with their name and their individual food items inside. All safety precautions are taken with food preparation. Children will be asked to take their lunch waste home as before.
What about after-school clubs?
Unfortunately, to limit contact between classes, we will not be running any after-school clubs for the first few weeks. We will look at this again before the end of September and if we can find a way to run clubs safely, we will let you know.
Where does my child leave their mobile phone?
If your child walks home alone and needs a mobile phone for safety reasons, they should bring a plastic bag with their name on it to put their phone inside. Class teachers will look after mobile phones during the school day.
Do I need to buy anything for my child’s return to school?
No, nothing extra. We will provide the children with everything they need in class. Each child will have their own folder with their own copy, pencils, crayons, etc. They will not share these with others. We ask for you to buy their school uniform and tracksuit and to pay the €60 for books and resources. We will do the rest!
I have more questions. Who do I ask?
The school office will re-open on Monday, 24th August so you can call us then on (01) 8300841 or email us at You can contact Sile, our Home-School-Community Liaison teacher on her mobile – (085) 1035456.
You can also contact Ms. Kelly or your child’s class teacher through the Seesaw app.
Dates for your diary
1st September – Back to school
26th – 30th October – Mid-Term Break
…and finally…
Let’s all work together – we can do this! If you are worried – get in touch, talk to us and we will do our best to reassure you and answer your questions. Enjoy the last few days of the holiday together and we will see you very soon.
Our detailed planning documents are available below if you want any further information.
Best wishes,
Éadaoin Kelly
School Re-Opening
Dear Parents/Carers,
We hope you are all keeping well and enjoying the summer break. We are working hard to get ready for our re-opening on Tuesday, 1 September 2020 for all children. Our thanks again for all of your support in the months we were closed. The children did a fantastic job learning from home with your help, and we are very proud of how well our school community kept going in very challenging circumstances.
This week, the Government have released new guidelines for schools to help us plan for all of the children and staff to return safely. A letter from Minister for Education, Norma Foley, to all parents/carers is below.
Our staff team will be working very hard to create new procedures and to ensure all the guidelines we have been given are followed. The children’s safety, and that of our staff, is of paramount importance and will always be at the forefront of our decision making.
We will carefully plan teaching and learning to give children time and space to re-adjust to being at school. We will find out where they are with their learning and give them all the support they need to find their next steps and move forward quickly.
We will continue to support all children with regular hand-washing and promote good hand hygiene and sneezing/coughing into the elbow.
For children who missed their Confirmation and Communion, we will be re-scheduling these very special days in September and October. We will be in touch with families about this in the coming weeks.
For new Junior Infant children, we have special welcome packs ready to send to you in the next few weeks. Junior Infant children will initially come to school just for an hour or two for the first few days to help them settle into a new environment. We will write separately to new parents/carers about these arrangements soon.
Some of the practical things we are doing to get ready for re-opening include:
- Securing additional cleaning services for during the school day
- Purchasing additional cleaning equipment and materials, including hand sanitisers for every room and each entry/exit point
- Ensuring cleaning and hygiene procedures are robust and well-communicated
- Ensuring that there is adequate space in classrooms, especially in 3rd – 6th Class so that children can maintain physical distancing
- Arranging class groupings into bubbles and creating small-group ‘pods’ within each class to support physical distancing
- Creating procedures for children to enter and exit the building safely, including staggering start and finish times so that each class can enter the building through a separate gate, door and staircase, where possible.
- Creating procedures for breaks and lunches so that children have enough space in the playground to keep their distance from children who are not in their class
- Creating procedures for children or adults who may become unwell during the school day
- Changing our existing teaching practices to ensure resources and toys are not shared between pods of children and increasing our cleaning regimes for these items.
We will be asking all parents/carers to remain outside of the school building when we return and to maintain a 2m distance from one another and staff at drop-off and collection times. We will work hard to keep communications clear and regular.
We will ask all families to ensure they follow HSE guidelines, particularly about quarantining if you have been away over the summer. Think carefully about your journey to school and how to do that safely. Walking or cycling are great options, if you can.
We will ask all children and staff to remain at home if they are unwell or show any symptoms of Covid-19. We need to work together to ensure we all stay safe and that schools can open and stay open for children this year.
Watch our video below and follow the links for more information from the Government. We will be in touch with each family closer to opening time in September with more detailed information.
In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, you can contact Ms. Kelly directly by email –
We look forward to seeing you in September!

Whole-School Assembly
We have been enjoying our weekly Praise assemblies from the comfort of our couches over the last few months. But nonetheless, every week on Friday, we took some time, as we always do, to share all the good news from our school community.
Today, was our last day of term and so we had a very special Praise assembly – LIVE on Google Meet. Children and families from across the school came together with our staff to celebrate our achievements this year. We watched our Yellow Flag be raised and said our final thanks and goodbyes to 6th Class.
Then we watched a video of our 2019-2020 highlights – take a look!
Yellow Flag Ceremony
Earlier this academic year, we were awarded the Yellow Flag for our work on inclusion and diversity.
This video explains what makes us a Yellow Flag school.
Ms. Nolan, who led our Yellow Flag team, and Ms. Kelly, our Principal, proudly raised our Yellow Flag in June 2020 and shared the video with all our children at our final whole-school assembly of the year – live on Google Meet! We are so proud of this great achievement for our school.
Our song for 6th Class 2020
We didn’t have a chance to say goodbye in person to 6th Class, so the rest of the children decided to surprise them with a very special song for their graduation. Filmed on phones and devices from bedrooms and living rooms all over Dublin – we are so proud of the song they sing.
Graduation 2020
We had a wonderful online graduation with 6th Class and their families this afternoon. The children designed beautiful graduation caps, dressed up, had balloons and posters and all the staff joined them to celebrate. Here’s a snippet of our trip down memory lane…
This group have been outstanding leaders in our school. They have led our Green Schools team, led inclusion and diversity in our Yellow Flag team, been Play Leaders for Active Schools, been Young Interpreters, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, Friendship Keepers and more!
They are scientists, geographers, historians, mathematicians, singers, dancers, musicians, explorers, team players, creators, inventors – talents that we know they will continue to develop in the years ahead. We are so proud #Classof2020 – go forth – be great!
Consultation – Admission Policy
Following new legislation and guidance from the Department of Education, all primary schools in Ireland are being asked to update their Admission Policy.
We are attaching our draft policy for your consideration and we welcome your feedback.
Please email if you have any questions, would like any information clarified or have a suggestion for changes.
The draft policy will be available for consultation to staff and parents/carers until Wednesday, 29th April 2020. Once it is ratified by the Board of Management it will then be sent to our Patron, the Archbishop of Dublin. The Diocese will return it to us before September and the new policy will be in place for the beginning of October 2020.
[embeddoc url=”” height=”200px” download=”none” viewer=”microsoft”]Newsletter 14.02.2020
14th February 2020
REMINDER: School closes at 12 noon on Wednesday next week for staff training. School is closed on Thursday and Friday next week for Mid-Term Break. |
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Erasmus Visit
We are so proud of the huge success of our Erasmus Visit from 27-31 January. We hosted 37 children and adults from schools in Greece, Italy, Spain, Romania and the UK for a whole week.
Throughout the week, our teachers and their classes led special lessons for the visitors, using technology to explore themes of inclusion and diversity. 6th Class showed our partners how to use the ‘Pic Collage’ app to make a poster about the Global Goals. 5th Class made podcasts with a partner about their lives. 3rd and 4th Class made movie trailers about a special story they read together about including everyone. Our children also helped to demonstrate Irish dancing and encouraged our visitors to take part in an Irish dancing céilí, they set up lunchtime games to help everyone get to know one another, and they were friendly, welcoming and consummate hosts for the entire week. They were a credit to us and a credit to their families – thank you children!
In the afternoons, our teachers brought our visitors to see the sights and sounds of Dublin city – they went rock climbing, visited the Natural History Museum, the Hugh Lane Gallery, 14 Henrietta Street, a walking tour of Dublin and even went on a day tour to Wicklow.
I think they were exhausted at the end! But there were tears saying goodbye at our movie festival on the Friday afternoon and we received many lovely messages of thanks for our kindness and hospitality.
I want to thank our entire staff team who went above and beyond (as always) to ensure our visitors were looked after – collecting groups from the airport and hotels, making breakfast and lunch, organising activities, hosting dinners and much more. It was a huge amount of work and I am so grateful for the enthusiasm and goodwill of our team in making it such a success. Special thanks to Fiona Nolan, who is our Erasmus Coordinator. Not long now until our first group of children will go to Greece for our first mobility abroad – very exciting!
International Food Fair
Thank you to the many families who came to our International Food Fair on Tuesday, 28th January and especially to those who brought a dish that represented their home country. The food was delicious as always and our Erasmus visitors were amazed at the wide variety of food from all over the world.
News this week
On Monday, we welcomed Fala Buggy, our Creative Associate, to talk to the children in assembly about creativity in our school. The children had lots of ideas about what we already do and are going away to think about what more we could do to be creative at school.
On Tuesday, some of our Green Schools team went to a workshop about water with Ms. Palmer and Ms. Collins. They got straight to work when they got back, conducting a water survey in school.
On Thursday, Barretstown children’s charity came to do a really lovely workshop with Senior Infants.
Today, some of our 6th Class children took part in a special focus group to help Children’s Books Ireland plan some of their work. They talked all about reading and how much they love books!
In 4th/5th and 5th Class, the children worked with David Swift, from Heritage in Schools, in a World War II themed workshop today. David brought lots of interesting artefacts for the children to see and they loved every minute!
Peace Proms
On Saturday 1st February, the children in 3rd Class took part in the annual Peace Proms concert in the RDS. The children had been preparing to sing in the concert for many months and sang beautifully on the night with 2,500 other children and the Cross-Border Orchestra of Ireland. It is a fantastic night and I know all of the parents/carers who came along really enjoyed it!
Thank you to Ms. O’Donovan and Ms. Carrick who prepared the children so well and to Ms. Palmer and Ms. Hayes who accompanied the children on the night.
Time to Read
We have had the launch of our ‘Time to Read’ programme with children from Ms. Yeates’s 2nd Class, Eight children will read every week with a volunteer from Business in the Community for the next 20 weeks. This is our fifth year taking part in this programme and it is always fantastic to see the children enjoying reading so much.
Safer Internet Day
Tuesday was Safer Internet Day and the children have been reminding themselves of all of the learning they have done on internet safety. This is a topic we return to over and over again with classes. We find that children are very able to tell us the ‘right answer’, they have lots of information and lots of strategies to use if they have a problem, but find it very difficult to do the right thing in practice.
Children are spending more and more time online or playing games on phones or tablets. There are huge risks to this, not least the number of adults waiting to take advantage of children who are vulnerable. I would remind all parents/carers of the importance of knowing what your child is doing online – what apps they use, who they talk to, what games they are playing. Talk to your child about what is happening in those games or on that app and make sure they know not to share private information and how to get help if they need it. is a brilliant website for parents/carers with lots of the most up-to-date advice about how to support your child with everything from Fortnite to Roblox, TikTok to Instagram and Snapchat.
Parish News
Thank you to the children in 5th and 6th Class who led our Family Mass last Sunday. The Confirmation candidates also took part in their Ceremony of Light on Wednesday this week. Thank you to all the parents/carers for your support and apologies for the short notice.
A reminder that we have another Family Mass this Sunday, 16th February. The children making their Communion from 2nd Class will lead the liturgy this week.
Admissions Policy
The Department of Education have asked all schools to write a new Admissions Policy based on new legislation. We will be consulting with families on our new policy shortly.
Stay Safe Meeting
Ms. Brophy will lead a meeting for parents/carers about the Stay Safe programme, which all classes are doing this month, on Wednesday, 26th February at 9am
Dates for your diary
Sunday, 16th February – Family Mass
Wednesday, 19th February – school finishing at 12 noon due to staff training for new language curriculum
20 and 21 February –
Mid-Term Break – School Closed
26th February – Stay Safe Meeting for Parents/Carers
27th February – Book Fair arriving
2nd March – 6th Class to Science Blast at RDS
5th March – World Book Day
13th March – Confirmation – 5th and 6th Class
16, 17, 18 March –
St. Patrick’s Day Holiday – School Closed
3rd April – Easter Holidays – finish at 12 noon
20th April – Back to school
…and finally…
We have been all loved-up at school today – sharing kindness and care with one another. Happy Valentine’s Day to all!
Best wishes,
Éadaoin Kelly – Principal
Newsletter 17.1.2020
17th January 2020
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Happy New Year!
Welcome back to all and a very happy new year to everyone. It is great to see the children settled back at school. They are so enthusiastic about their learning and we’ve a busy term ahead!
News this week
On Wednesday, our local Community Garda Cian came to speak to 4th Class about the role of the Garda and the different ways they help us.
Today, Francesca from Language Explorers joined us at our Friday assembly to share the great learning we did last term and to say thank you to the parents who supported the project and joined classes to share their home languages. Thank you!
This morning, Ms. Nolan met with parents from 5th Class to talk about the upcoming visits we have planned. A group of children and teachers will be heading to Greece in March and another group will visit London in June – it’s very exciting!
Active Schools
We were awarded our first blue Active Flag in 2017. We now need to renew our commitment to children’s physical activity and we are working hard to encourage children to really think about how they are getting their 60 minutes of exercise every day.
Our whole-school walk on Tuesday and Thursday mornings is a big part of this and it is a great way to get a quick burst of energy, some fresh air and 20 minutes of physical activity before the day starts. Please encourage your child to be active and enthusiastic about this challenge. It is important that children arrive on time so that they do not miss this opportunity.
And don’t forget – parents/carers are also welcome to join us! If you’re inspired by Operation Transformation, use this chance to come along and improve your fitness for 2020.
Erasmus Visit and International Food Fair
We are busy preparing for a very special visit at the end of this month. Children and teachers from our five Erasmus partner schools will be visiting Dublin for a week from 27-31 January and we will be hosting their visit at school. We have a busy week planned and one of the events we would love to share with them, is our annual International Food Fair.
We are hoping to have our Food Fair on Tuesday, 28th January at 1.00 p.m. We invite all families to join us for this special occasion and ask everyone to bring a dish that represents their home country. It is always a wonderful afternoon and with lots of extra guests, we hope you will be happy to make a little more for them!
Dates for your diary
21st January – Launch of ‘Time to Read’ programme with Ms. Yeates’s 2nd Class
27-31 January – Erasmus Partners Visiting School
28th January – International Food Fair at 1.00 p.m.
29th January – Irish dancing céilí at 1.00 p.m.
Saturday 1st February – Peace Proms – 3rd Class
Sunday 2nd February – Family Mass
12th February – Confirmation Ceremony of Light
Sunday, 16th February – Family Mass
20 and 21 February –
Mid-Term Break – School Closed
26th February – Book Fair arriving
13th March – Confirmation – 5th and 6th Class
16, 17, 18 March –
St. Patrick’s Day Holiday – School Closed
3rd April – Easter Holidays – finish at 12 noon
20th April – Back to school
…and finally…
A reminder that we are a Green School and children are asked to take all of their lunch waste (food and packaging) home with them and put them in your compost, recycling and waste bins at home. Please support your child with this effort and make sure you empty lunches from school bags each day.
Best wishes,
Éadaoin Kelly
Newsletter 19.12.19
19th December 2019
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Christmas Greetings
The term finishes tomorrow at 12 noon. We have had another fantastic term of exciting learning and while we’re all tired and ready for a holiday, we have achieved lots and must take some time to celebrate and give thanks.
Our teaching team give 110% every day and are so dedicated to their work and to providing fabulous learning opportunities for every child. I thank them very sincerely for their energy and commitment. Thank you to Sile, our Home-School-Community Liaison teacher, who does so much to support families in need. Her door is always open!
Thank you to Colm and Liz for their work behind the scenes – as always, we couldn’t do it without you!
My thanks to all the parents/carers who have helped out this term – joining classes on a trip, coming to do Maths for Fun or Language Explorers, being part of the Parents’ Association, donating clothes, meeting your child’s teacher, sharing positive comments on Twitter and Seesaw, watching a performance – thank you to each one of you. Your support makes all the difference.
Today, I have also written to the many organisations, volunteers and community groups who work with us to provide enriching experiences for the children and their learning. We thank them for all of the opportunities they provide for us and the time they give to help us across the year. Thank you everyone!
Christmas Performances
It was lovely to see so many families joining us for our Christmas performances this week. The children and the adults working with them have been preparing and getting ready for a number of weeks and it was great to see all the hard work pay off. Each class performed on stage, with every child taking part. The singing was beautiful and the poetry was even better! Well done to the children who not only performed the poems but especially to those who wrote their own! From Japanese Haikus, to an empowering message about just being yourself and an acrostic poem about Christmas – we had it all. The children spoke clearly and confidently and we are very proud of them.
As always, special thanks to our class teachers and special needs assistants who prepared the children so well and to our support teachers who helped ensure the event ran smoothly.
Dates for your diary
Friday, 20th December – School closes at 12 noon
Monday, 6th January 2020 – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.
…and finally…
Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy the break. Our best wishes to all celebrating Christmas – have a joyful and peaceful time. Happy New Year to all and we will see you in 2020!
Best wishes,

Éadaoin Kelly – Principal