Aladdin Connect
Dear Parents/Carers,
Our school is delighted to announce that we will shortly roll out the Aladdin Schools Connect to all parents and carers. The school uses the Aladdin Schools software for administrative purposes and ‘Connect’ will give you secure access to messages from the school and to details of your child’s attendance, reports cards etc. via a secure login from your internet browser or Aladdin Connect App
Aladdin Connect is a fantastic way to enhance a school’s communication with parents/carers. It enables parents/carers to stay connected and informed about their child’s education by:
- Ensuring that the school has their most up to date contact information
- Keeping parents/carers apprised of their child’s attendance
- Keeping parents/carers up to date on school and classroom news via noticeboard messages
- Allowing parents/carers view their child’s approved report card
Along with strengthening our home/school partnership, we hope Aladdin Connect will help the school by:
- Helping to improve attendance by allowing parents/carers to keep track of any school days their child may have currently missed, along with late arrival and early leaving information.
- Helping to reduce the amount of class/school notes being sent home
- Helping the school/ teachers communicate with parents when the need arises
- Reducing costs by eliminating the need to send school report cards by post
- Reducing costs by reducing the number of text messages that need to be sent
You can rest reassured Aladdin Schools uses state-of-the-art security to safeguard information entered by the school and data is stored and processed in strict compliance with Irish and European data protection laws.
In the next few days, you will receive a text/email message containing your registration link. There will be one link per parent or carer which will allow the parent to access information for all their children in the school from one user account. Please do not forward this text/email or share this link as this is a unique registration code for each parent/carer for your child/children in this school. During registration you will choose a password that will be used in conjunction with your email address to securely access the Aladdin Connect going forward. Once you are registered you will be sent an email with links to download the Aladdin Connect App for your mobile device. The main advantage of using the App is to receive immediate alerts for app messages sent by your school.
By default, both parents/carers will have access to view their child’s contact information. If for any reason you do NOT wish to share your own personal contact information within the family circle or if you have any concerns regarding your particular family setup, please contact the school in confidence to discuss or have this facility restricted. In preparation for this please let the school know if your email address or phone number has changed recently.
Your child’s class teacher, Liz, our secretary or I will welcome any feedback or questions you may have.
Yours sincerely,
Éadaoin Kelly
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Newsletter 26.10.18
26th October 2018
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Sponsored Disco and Pumpkin Challenge
Huge thanks to our Parents’ Association for all their hard work putting together our special events for Hallowe’en this year. They have coordinated our Sponsored Disco, decorating the hall spookily, organising music, lights and sponsor forms and promoting our pumpkin competition.
What a great day we have had! It’s great to see the children all dressed up and having so much fun! Our sponsored disco took place across the day. The children danced ‘til they dropped! We are so impressed with the wonderful pumpkins you have created at home – they are so creative and you have spent so much time on them. And a final thank you for your sponsorship money – we will confirm the total with you after the break.
News this week
On Monday, 4th Class took part in some art workshops with David from the ‘Big Scream’ festival to create decorations for the Hallowe’en festival. Also on Monday, 3rd Class visited the Central Library and took part in a ukelele session with the ‘Musician in Residence’ there.
On Tuesday, Garda Cian from Bridewell Station came to speak to 5th Class about staying safe at Hallowe’en. There are lots of organised community events for Hallowe’en – please keep your child safe by going to one of these safe, family-friendly events and do not allow children to be around fireworks or bonfires without adult supervision.
On Wednesday, 6th Class visited the National Archaeology Museum on Kildare Street.
On Thursday, Ms. Oppermann’s 1st Class visited the Hugh Lane Gallery to look at different portraits by famous painters. They then had a special workshop of their own to create their own self-portraits using recycled materials.
Language Explorers
We completed our four sessions of the ‘Language Explorers’ programme this week. Each class has worked really well and learned lots about one another’s languages and the languages around us. In the older classes, children were creating their very own multilingual cities, with shops and signs in lots of different languages. This week they wrote multilingual raps – each line was written in a different home language. In the younger classes, children shared songs and poems in their home languages.
Our thanks to the Language Exploresrs’ team – Francesca, Claudia and Aga for working with us – we loved it!
Dates for your diary
5th November – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.
23rd November – School closed for children – staff training day for Language Curriculum
Attendance and punctuality
Well done to Ms. Lougheed’s 3rd Class – second week in a row – top attendance of 98.3%!
We are now closed for one week’s holiday. We re-open on Monday, 5th November. |
Enjoy the break!
Éadaoin Kelly
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Newsletter 19.10.18
19th October 2018
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Maths Week
What a wonderful Maths Week we have had! The children have been superstars, engaging with each challenge and workshop with great enthusiasm. On Monday, our assembly introduced a series of challenges to complete over the week. On Tuesday, Mr. Carney hosted some very exciting Lego workshops for classes and on Wednesday, Mr. Kerr led problem-solving workshops across the school. Throughout the week, we’ve had maths trails in the building and in the yard for our Infant classes and on Thursday, all the children from 2nd to 6th Class walked to the Botanic Gardens to take part in our annual Maths Trail.
We have been delighted to see the children so excited about Maths – they have behaved excellently and all the teachers commented on their superb participation throughout the week. Well done everyone! A special thank you to Mr. Kerr who coordinated all the events during the week.
News this week
Last Sunday, we had our first Family Mass of the year. Thank you to all the families who attended and to the children who led the liturgy with such confidence.
On Tuesday, Senior Infants visited the Ilac library with Julianna, our Reader in Residence.
On Thursday, we were delighted to see so many parents/carers join Fr. Pat to discuss the First Communion programme for this year – thank you for coming along.
Sponsored Disco and Pumpkin Challenge
Thank you to the families who have already generously donated to our sponsored disco next Friday. We welcome all donations – big or small – children can bring the money to their class teacher throughout next week. The disco itself will take place on Friday and we thank the Parents’ Association for all of their hard work organising this great event.
A new addition to this year’s proceedings -we’re having a ‘pumpkin carving’ competition. Families are invited to bring their carved pumpkin into school on Friday next week. Pumpkins will be accepted on Friday morning ONLY, will be displayed for the children to see during the day and must be collected and brought home at the end of the day for your family to enjoy for Hallowe’en. Please do take part if you can!
Dates for your diary
26 October – Annual Sponsored Disco
26th October – School closes for Mid-Term Holiday
5th November – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.
23rd November – School closed for children – staff training day for new Primary Language Curriculum
Attendance and punctuality
Another excellent week of attendance with every class meeting our target of 95%. The winners of our trophy this week were Ms. Lougheed’s 3rd Class with 98.3% – well done!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Éadaoin Kelly
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Newsletter 12.10.18
12th October 2018
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
News this week
Yesterday, 3rd and 4th Class visited Liberty Hall Theatre to meet author, Andy Griffiths, who wrote the ’13–Storey Treehouse’ series of books. The children had lots of fun considering the kinds of trees you might use to build a treehouse! Our thanks to Julianna, our ‘Reader in Residence’ from Dublin City Libraries who invited us to the event.
Ms. McCaughey’s Class have been reading the book ‘Supertato’ as part of their learning about ‘Superheroes’ this term. They created their very own supertatoes – you can check out the photos on our Twitter page @stmarysdorsetst. The authors, Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet even tweeted back to tell us how great they were – well done children!
Yellow Flag Programme
We are very excited to be chosen as one of the schools taking part in the ‘Yellow Flag’ programme this year. The programme promotes inclusion and diversity in schools and we want to continue our good work this year to achieve this award. We have a new ‘Diversity Team’ of children, staff and parents/carers. If you are interested in being involved, please do let us know. The team met for the first time today and are very excited to get started!
Language Explorers
Our second week of the ‘Language Explorers’ programme took place today. The children are looking for different languages in the environment. Have a look at food packaging in your home – how many different languages do you see? What about your clothes labels? You can help your child to find items to bring to school to show us!
Dates for your diary
14 October – Family Mass at 11.45
18 October – 9am meeting for parents of children making their 1st Communion
26 October – Annual Sponsored Disco
26th October – School closes for Mid-Term Holiday
5th November – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.
23rd November – School closed for children – staff training day for new Primary Language Curriculum
Attendance and punctuality
We are really pleased with our improving attendance. Well done to Ms. Oppermann’s 1st Class, Ms. McCaughey’s 2nd Class, Ms. Glynn’s 4th Class and Ms. Staunton’s 6th Class all with attendance of 97-98%. Our winners this week though, with 100% are 5th Class!
Parents’ Association News
Our Parents’ Association met this week to start preparations for our annual Sponsored Disco at Hallowe’en. They would love some help with decorations, posters and sponsor cards – please let Síle know if you can help even in a small way.
…and finally…
We have our first family Mass of the year this Sunday at 11.45 a.m. in St. Joseph’s Church in Berkeley Road. All families are welcome to join us, especially children making their First Communion this year.
Best wishes,
Éadaoin Kelly
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Newsletter 5.10.18
5th October 2018
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
World Teachers’ Day
Today is World Teachers’ Day and at our assembly this morning, we took the time to say thank you to our fantastic team of teachers for all they do! Earlier this week, our staff wellbeing team organised a lovely breakfast for all our staff to celebrate our great team.
News this week
On Wednesdays, our resident Irish dance teacher, Aedín, worked with several classes to teach traditional Irish folk dances.
On Thursday, Julianna, our ‘Reader in Residence’ visited Senior Infants. Fr. Pat, our school chaplain, also visited us and held some lovely prayer services to celebrate the opening of the school year.
Later on Thursday, 5th and 6th Class were invited to visit the Gate Theatre and watch an open rehearsal with Lovett Theatre. The children were excellent ambassadors for the school and asked some excellent and insightful questions – well done children!
Today, Ms. Graham’s Class visited the Hugh Lane Gallery to see an exhibition.
Kindness Missions
We introduced our new team of ‘Anti-Bullying Ambassadors’ at assembly on Monday. They surprised us when they gave us all a ‘top-secret kindness mission’ to do this week. With the James Bond theme playing, they quickly darted around the Hall giving each class teacher a special envelope with a mission for each class.
All week, we have seen children smiling on the stairs, giving high-fives, sharing compliments and showing kindness to one another in lots of different ways. The teachers also had their own personal missions to do a kind act for one another! What a lovely week it has been. Thank you to all who have participated and especially to Ms. Kilkenny and the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors for organising such a great activity for us.
Language Explorers
We are very proud to be one of the first schools to have the ‘Language Explorers’ programme. The programme is designed to raise children’s awareness of different languages and to be proud of the languages they speak. It is delivered by experts from Trinity College, including Dr. Francesca LaMorgia, who also kindly came and spoke to a group of parents/carers on Thursday about raising bilingual or multilingual children.
Today, Francesca and her team, visited each class to start the programme. The children will have four sessions this month and hopefully will be coming home with lots of news about how they are getting on – and maybe asking for your help in sharing your home language.
After School Clubs
Our after-school clubs are all now up and running. There has been huge demand for places. I would ask that if for any reason your child no longer wishes to attend a club, that you let the office know as soon as possible so that we can offer their place to another child on the waiting list.
A reminder also to please collect your child on time from our after-school clubs.
Schools’ Excellence Fund: Digital Learning
The Department of Education and Skills have chosen our school to take part in a three-year digital learning project with four other local primary schools. Last week, all of our staff met with teachers from Gardiner St., Georges’ Hill, St. Paul’s CBS and Dublin 7 Educate Together, to talk about our plans for the project. It is very exciting to be involved and our thanks to Mr. Kerr, who is coordinating our part of the project with the other schools. We will share more information with you as we go along.
Dates for your diary
11 October – 3rd and 4th Class to Liberty Hall
14 October – Family Mass at 11.45
18 October – Meeting for parents of children in 2nd Class making their 1st Communion
26 October – Annual Sponsored Disco
26th October – School closes for Mid-Term Holiday
5th November – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.
New Menus
Thank you for returning the new menus. The new food choices have been returned to our suppliers and we hope that we will start to see the new menus in the coming weeks.
Secondary School – Transitions
Thank you to the many families who attended our secondary school transition morning on 18th September. I know many of you are also taking the time to visit our local secondary schools too.
For children in 6th Class, it is important that you make a decision soon and ensure your child’s name is put on the enrolment list for a school for next year.
If you have any questions or need any help with this, please come and talk to Síle and she will be happy to help.
‘One Family’ – a support for parents
Thank you to the parents/carers who came on Tuesday morning to meet Geraldine from the ‘One Family’ support service. ‘One Family’ have recently started working in our area and run excellent courses for parents. If you are interested, please talk to Síle, who can give you more information.
Attendance and punctuality
What a fantastic week of attendance! We are very proud of the big effort everyone is making to come to school each day.
We had a huge list of classes to celebrate in assembly today. Particular well done to Ms. McCaughey’s 2nd Class, Mr. McGuire’s 5th Class and Ms. Graham’s 3rd/4th Class who all had 99% attendance.
Our winners this week were Ms. Glynn’s 4th Class with a phenomenal 100% – amazing!
…and finally…
School will be closed to children on Friday, 23rd November as we have a staff training day for the Primary Language Curriculum. We apologise for any inconvenience and hope that giving you the date well in advance will help parents who need to make alternative arrangements.
Have a lovely weekend!
Éadaoin Kelly
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Newsletter 19.9.18
19th September 2018
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Meet the Teacher
It was great to see so many parents/carers at our ‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings in Junior and Senior Infants on Monday morning, yesterday in 4th, 5th and 6th Class. and again this morning in 3rd and 3rd/4th Class.
Our teachers have shared lots of information about the learning that will happen in your child’s class this year and how you can help them at home.
Tomorrow (Thursday), we are looking forward to seeing the parents/carers from 2nd Class and the 1st Class meetings are on Friday.
If you have any further questions or would like to speak to your child’s teacher on an individual meeting, please just ask for an appointment and we will arrange a time that suits. Our door is always open and it is always better to speak to us sooner rather than later! If you have a worry or concern, come in and let us know and we will do our best to help.
After School Clubs
We are delighted to be running a range of after-school clubs this term. There has been huge demand for places and most clubs are now full. We hope most children have been allocated at least one of their choices.
Your child will have a slip confirming their place in the club, if they have been allocated one. If they have not received this slip, unfortunately, that means we have not been able to allocate them a place this time round.
Please check the timetable attached and make sure you collect your child on time after their club each week.
If you have any questions about clubs, you can call into the school office.
Secondary School – Open Days
We were delighted to welcome staff from our local secondary schools to talk with parents/carers from 4th, 5th and 6th Class yesterday morning. We hope you found the opportunity helpful. Each secondary school has its own open day, where you can visit the school in person. This is a great way to get to know the schools and find out more about what they have to offer.
Parents/carers of children in 6th Class will need to make decisions about the secondary school their child will attend in the coming weeks. Please make sure you complete an application form for the school you are interested in. Sile, our Home-School-Community Liaison teacher is happy to help with this – please come and chat to her if you have any questions.
Doodle Den
We are delighted that our after-school literacy programme for Senior Infants, Doodle Den, will be starting back this week. We welcome a new teacher, Gillian Murphy, and one of our own team, James Byrne, as the Doodle Den leaders for this year. Doodle Den will take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1.30 – 3.00 p.m.
Dates for your diary
Week of 17th Sept – Meet the Teacher
18th Sept – Secondary School Open Morning
26th October – School closes for Mid-Term Holiday
5th November – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.
New Menus
We are still waiting for the last few menus to be returned to us. We are looking forward to trying out the new food from our suppliers Glanmore Foods in the coming weeks.
If you have not yet returned your child’s menu choices, please do so as soon as you can.
Collecting your child at home time
The playground is very, very busy at home time and there are often lots and lots of children and adults. It can be difficult for teachers to see everyone.
Each class has a space in the playground where they wait at the end of the day. We ask parents/carers to please walk over to your child’s class to collect them and make sure the class teacher sees you. Please do not take your child from their line, before they have reached their usual spot – this can cause confusion and panic if the class teacher does not see them leave.
If your child is being collected by a different adult, please make sure you let the class teacher know beforehand.
Attendance and punctuality
Our top attenders last week were 5th Class with 98%. Our target is at least 95% for every child and for every class.
Remember that school starts at 8.50 a.m. We still have families arriving after 9.00 a.m. on a regular basis. This is not acceptable. We understand that occasionally, the alarm doesn’t go off or there’s bad traffic. On those days, we just ask you to get to school as soon as you can. However, this should not be happening every day. Please make every effort to be in the line waiting for your child’s teacher at 8.50 a.m.
…and finally…
The weather is very unpredictable at the moment – please make sure your child has a coat and that all clothing is marked clearly with your child’s name.
Best wishes,
Éadaoin Kelly
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Newsletter 7.9.18
7th September 2018
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
News this week
Yesterday, 5th Class were invited to visit a brand-new museum at 14 Henrietta Street. The townhouse building was divided into tenements and has been fully restored so the children were able to see what life was like in Dublin over 300 years ago. Mr. McGuire tells me that the children asked great questions and were beautifully behaved – well done!
Attendance and punctuality
We are so pleased to see so many children back at school for their first full week. Attendance has been very good across the school – well done everyone!
Our top attenders this week were 4th Class with 100%! They were very closely followed by Senior Infants with 99%.
Remember – our target is at least 95% for each child.
Dates for your diary
17th September – Romanian after-school classes starting back
18th September – Doodle Den starting back
Week of 17th Sept – Meet the Teacher
18th Sept – Secondary School Open Morning
26th October – School closes for Mid-Term Holiday
5th November – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.
Junior Infants
From next week, Junior Infants will be finishing at 1.30 p.m. They have settled in so well and we are very proud of them!
Morning and Afternoon Collections
We have been updating our Child Protection and Safeguarding procedures. It is very important that only adults who have Garda vetting are in the school building when the children are here. We therefore can no longer have parents/carers waiting in the school building to collect children before 1.30 or 2.30. Any parent/carer who needs to collect a child early, must call to the school office first. Children should be collected from their teacher in the designated space in the playground – not in the corridor or on the stairs, or on their way across the playground.
From Monday, the blue gate beside the office will be open at morning and afternoon collection times to help ease the flow of people. You can use either gate but we ask that parents/carers and children do not use the office door to enter or exit the building unless absolutely necessary.
School Uniform
Children should wear their full school uniform or school tracksuit every day. We are finding lots of lost jumpers and cardigans. Please make sure you label your child’s clothes clearly so we can return them if they get lost.
Updating Information
We are finding lots of contact phone numbers are not working. If your contact information has changed, please ensure we have your new address, telephone number or other details. This is particularly important if we need to contact you in case of emergency.
Enjoy the weekend, hopefully we’ll have some sunshine!
Éadaoin Kelly
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Newsletter 31.8.18
31st August 2018
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Welcome back!
We are so delighted to be back at school and to see so many happy, smiling faces yesterday. The children have already settled very well into their new classes and there is a lovely, calm atmosphere around the building.
A special welcome to our new Junior Infant class and the children and staff who are new to our school this year.
We will be having our annual ‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings in the week of the 17th September – look out for a letter with the date for your child’s class. This meeting will give you the chance to meet your child’s new teacher and find out more about their learning in their new class and how you can help them at home.
Attendance and punctuality
We want all children at St. Mary’s to have excellent attendance and our target is at least 95% for each child (this is no more than 9 days of absence across the year).
Please let us know if your child will not be in school by calling the school office on (01) 8300841, emailing or filling out the absence form on our website.
Dates for your diary
6th September – 5th Class to visit Tenement Museum in Henrietta Street
Week of 17th Sept – Meet the Teacher
18th Sept – Secondary School Open Morning
26th October – School closes for Mid-Term Holiday
5th November – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.
School Books and Tracksuits
Thank you to all families who have already paid the €60 for books, copies and school resources. If you have not made this payment, please call into the school office or pay online. We are happy to take money in instalments if this is easier for you.
Tracksuits can be ordered with Liz and cost €21 each, or €23 for larger sizes.
We have already found a few lost jumpers! Please make sure your child’s jumper or cardigan is labelled clearly with their name and class so we can avoid mix-ups!
Supervision in the Morning
A reminder that children are welcome at school for breakfast club (which starts again on Monday) and to wait in the playground from 8.40 a.m. Children should not arrive to school before this time and we ask that children are not left waiting unsupervised at the gate before this. We have staff available to look after the children from 8.40 a.m. but the school cannot take responsibility for children before then.
Updating Information
If your contact information has changed over the summer, please ensure we have your new address, telephone number or other details. This is particularly important if we need to contact you in case of emergency.
Have a lovely weekend,
Éadaoin Kelly
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Newsletter 28.6.18
28th June 2018
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Aladdin Jr. Performance
What an amazing evening we had last night. The children from 2nd to 6th Class treated us to an outstanding performance of ‘Aladdin Jr’ in Liberty Hall Theatre, surrounded by their families and friends. We got such lovely feedback on their fantastic acting, singing and dancing – thank you for coming!
We were immensely proud of the hard work the children did in preparation, especially in the hot weather. They were excellent in all ways and a credit to their families.
We have so many people to thank:
Thanks to Ms. Graham, Ms. Devereux, Ms. Lougheed and Ms. Palmer for rehearsing the acting, to Aedín, our dance teacher, and to Ms. Collins and Ms. Nolan for the choreography. To Ms. Marron for helping with the singing. To Mr. Carney and Ms. Conlon for helping with sound and microphones. To Ms. Kilkenny, Ms. Todd, Colm, Ms. McBride, Ms. O’Donovan, Ms. Sheridan, Ms. Hayes, James, Ms. Lennon and Ms. Oppermann for sets and props, to Ms. Sheridan, Ms. Todd and Ms. Sheridan’s mam(!) for sourcing the costumes. To Mr. Cullen, Ms. Shortall, Ms. Staunton, Dolores and Audrey who supported the children backstage. To Ms. Brophy and Ms. O’Callaghan for organising all the tickets and to Mr. Kerr who photographed and videoed the whole process. You are all incredible – and I know I’m only naming one or two of the things you did! Thank you so much, every part contributed to a wonderful evening.
Our thanks to the staff at Liberty Hall Theatre for looking after us so well and helping with sound. Thanks also to Richie who looked after the lighting.
It was a truly special evening and one we will all remember for a long time to come.
Green Flag Raising
We had a beautiful sunny day for our first Green Schools’ Flag Raising last Friday. We have worked hard over the last two years to learn about reducing litter and waste in school and at home. The children know to ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ and we are very proud to have secured this very prestigious award.
Our thanks as always to the wonderful children, to Colm our caretaker and especially Ms. Todd, Ms. Palmer, Ms. Sheridan and Ms. Marron who led it all so well.
Today we said goodbye to our 6th Class children at their graduation. The children shared their memories, said lots of thank yous to their families, teachers and one another and looked forward to the future. We wish them all the best in their big move to secondary school!
Parents’ Association Raffle – Aladdin Jr.
Thanks to Laura and Ludmila from our Parents’ Association for organising a great raffle to raise funds for the show. The winners were drawn by teachers and are as follows:
1st Prize – Maureen (5th Class)
2nd Prize – Darren (Junior Infants)
3rd Prize – Victoria (2nd Class)
Other prizes were won by Liz (School Secretary), Nadia (2nd Class), Martin (3rd Class), Viliam (3rd Class), Miranda (5th Class), Sean (5th Class) and Irene (2nd Class). Well done everyone!
Moving on…
Tomorrow we will be saying goodbye to several members of the team. Ms. Devereux and Ms. Shortall are moving to schools nearer their home and families. They have both worked in our school for a very long time and we thank them for their dedication and support to the children and families over that time. We will miss them and wish them all the best in their new schools.
Ms. Conlon is travelling to Mexico for the year and we hope to see her back with us soon. Ms. Todd, Ms. Sheridan, Ms. Marron, Mr. Cullen and Ms. Lennon are all off to pastures new. We thank them for their contribution to St. Mary’s and we wish them well in their new adventures.
Staffing for 2018-2019
Junior Infants – Ms. O’Donovan
Senior Infants – Ms. McKelvey
1st Class – Ms. Oppermann
1st Class – Ms. McBride
2nd Class – Ms. McCaughey
2nd Class – To be confirmed
3rd Class – Ms. Lougheed
3rd/4th Class – Ms. Graham
4th Class – Ms. O’Rourke
5th Class – Mr. McGuire
6th Class – Ms. Staunton
Support Team – Mr. Kerr, Ms. Kilkenny, Mr. Carney, Ms. Collins, Ms. Brophy, Ms. Palmer, Ms. O’Callaghan, Ms. Nolan and Ms. Hayes.
Summer Stars – Reading
The Ilac Library are running the
‘Summer Stars’ programme again this year. Children can sign up at the library and are given the challenge of reading 8 books over the holidays. They get a reading card to record their reading with small rewards and certificates if they complete the challenge. All the information is available online at:
Thank you!
I want to thank each and every member of our school community for making this another fantastic year at St. Mary’s Primary School.
The children have been fantastic and have learned so much. Particular thanks to the children who have led our teams – to Laya, Chair of our Student Council, to our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, Young Interpreters, Play leaders, Green Schools team and Active Schools team – you’ve done super work!
Our parent, carers and Board of Management are always supportive and appreciative of all we do – thank you for your ongoing support.
To Liz our secretary and Colm our caretaker – thank you for all you do behind the scenes each and every day.
To our classroom staff – I am so proud of the work you do, the effort you make and the time you spend making learning so exciting and engaging for our children. Have a very well-deserved holiday and thank you so much.
And finally…
We wish all families a happy summer holiday!
We close tomorrow at 12 noon.
We look forward to seeing you all back with us on Thursday, 30th August at 8.50 a.m.
Éadaoin Kelly
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Aladdin Jr Rehearsals
As we move towards the last days of term, the action never stops at St. Mary’s! We are preparing for our end of year production of Aladdin Jr. this week. We are so excited! A team effort like no other – take a sneak peek at our rehearsals last week in the gallery below. Don’t miss it – last few tickets available outside the Hall each morning!