Cruinniú na nÓg 2018

We were delighted to host a special event for the Cruinniú na nÓg festival on Saturday, a national celebration of creativity. The children in 3rd Class worked with Sarah Webb earlier in the week to write about ‘My Mam, My Gran and Amazing Women who live around Dorset Street’. They also wrote a poem together as a group, called ‘Who Are We?’.

Green Schools Flag Raising

On Friday, we had our Flag Raising ceremony for our first Green Schools Flag. We were awarded our first flag for our work on the ‘Litter and Waste’ theme in the An Taisce programme. Over the last few years we have worked hard to reduce litter and waste in our school. Today was a celebration of all of that hard work, by our children, our staff, our community and especially those who have led our Green Team.

Click here to watch a video of the flag being raised.

Our Infant classes sang us some great recycling themed songs, while 1st Class showed off their samba skills with help from the team from ‘Masamba’. What a super day!

Click here to watch a short clip of the samba music!

Different Families Same Love Competition

We were delighted to attend the award ceremony for the ‘Different Families, Same Love’ competition this week. The competition aims to celebrate the diversity of people and families in Ireland and to address homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools. We are proud of our inclusive school that fosters respect and acceptance of all family structures. Our 3rd Class children wrote their own stories  on the theme and we were delighted to be awarded 3rd Prize in the Senior Category. The prizes were presented by INTO Vice-President, Feargal Brougham and journalist Dil Wickremasinghe. Well done everyone!

Doodle Families

We were very proud of the families in 1st Class who completed the ‘Doodle Families’ programme this week. The families have been working together with our staff after-school for eight weeks to support the children’s literacy learning. Our parents/carers have learned more about how to support their children at home and the children have improved their literacy skills in fun, engaging ways. Well done everyone!

Time to Read

We had a very special celebration on Tuesday morning to wrap-up the ‘Time to Read’ programme for this year.

Eight children from 2nd Class have completed the 20 week programme, reading for 30 minutes every week with their volunteer reader from ‘Business in the Community’.

The children also had the opportunity to visit the library and the BITC offices on a workplace visit as part of the programme.

This is our 3rd year working in partnership with BITC and we love the ‘Time to Read’ programme.

Newsletter 15.6.18



15th June 2018


Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,


News this week

Last Sunday, we had our final Family Mass of the year, led by our lovely First Communion children. The children made us very proud with their excellent reading and singing. Fr. Pat also joined us at school for an end-of-year prayer service for the older children on Thursday.


On Tuesday morning, we had our ‘Time to Read’ wrap-up session and celebration. Eight children from 2nd Class took part in this special reading programme for 20 weeks this year, with a volunteer adult reader from ‘Business in the Community’. We were delighted to see so many families joining us to celebrate too!


Today, Ms. Graham’s Class visited the Natural History Museum and St. Stephen’s Green. Ms. Conlon’s 4th Class also visited the Hugh Lane Gallery and had a lovely time looking at the beautiful paintings there.


Tickets for Aladdin Jr.

Tickets are now on sale for our performance of Aladdin Jr. in Liberty Hall Theatre on 27th June. All of the children in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Class are involved. Tickets are being sold outside the Hall every morning before school.


Tickets are €5 for adults and €2 for children.


Please note – you cannot buy a ticket on the night – you must have one in advance. They are selling quickly, so please ensure you book yours in time!



Parents’ Association Raffle – Aladdin Jr.

Putting on a production in Liberty Hall is expensive. To help us raise funds to meet these costs, our Parents’ Association are holding a raffle. If you’d like to buy raffle tickets, they will be available in the morning from Laura, Ludmila and the parent team. Our thanks to them for their super organisation, we already have some great prizes!


Dates for your diary

18 June – Romanian Class – Meeting for Parents at 9.00 a.m.

21 June – 1st Class to the Zoo

22 June – Green Flag Raising

Sat. 23 June – 3rd Class ‘Cruinniu’ event

27 June – Aladdin Jr. Performance

28 June – 6th Class Graduation

29 June – School Closes at 12 noon

30 August – Back to School


Attendance and punctuality

Well done to Ms. Graham’s Class who have top attendance this week!


Doodle Families Celebration

Congratulations to all our families in 1st Class who completed the ‘Doodle Families’ programme this week. The programme involved both children and parents/carers taking part in sessions after-school to support the children’s literacy. It was a great success – well done!


And finally…

Happy Eid to all our Muslim families celebrating today!



Have a lovely weekend,



Éadaoin Kelly


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Doodle Den Graduation

Our amazing Senior Infant children graduated from ‘Doodle Den’ last week!

Doodle Den is an after-school literacy programme, funded by the Grangegorman ABC programme and run by the School Completion Programme!

The children have attended Doodle Den for 90 minutes, three days a week, all year. They have learned so much and had a very fun time! Thanks to Ms. Todd, Amy and Orlaith who have led the group and kept everyone smiling. Great to see such happy faces. Thanks also to the parents/carers who supported the children in the programme all year and at their very special graduation ceremony. Roll on next year!

6th Class visit to Carlingford

6th Class had a super day visiting Carlingford Adventure Centre. The sun was shining and much fun was had by all.

Newsletter 8.6.18



8th June 2018


Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,


News this week

On Tuesday, we had some really interesting talks on internet safety from Zeeko Education. They spoke with parents/carers first about how to keep your child safe online. They then spent time in each class from 2nd – 6th Class. After school, they met the teachers and we talked about how we keep children safe online when they are in school and how we can support parents/carers with what happens at home.


One of the key messages for children when playing games or chatting online, is to ‘stop, block, tell’ if a stranger is trying to talk to them or says something they do not like.


Also on Tuesday, 3rd Class went on a very special tour. First to the Viking Splash where they travelled on the special Viking bus and boat. Later, they visited the National Museum and saw a Viking longship and skeleton! The children were able to share lots of information from their learning about the Vikings and learnt lots more too!


On Thursday, Ms. Marron’s Senior Infants visited the airport – they met pilots, co-pilots, air hostesses and lots more! They even got to check-in their bags and show their passports.


Today, 6th Class are in Carlingford Adventure Centre for an exciting day of outdoor activities. Also today, some classes had their sports day outside in the sunshine. The children tried lots of different activities and were beautifully behaved for each adult they worked with. Well done!

After-School Clubs

We’ve had a great selection of after-school clubs running this term. Our ‘Food Revolution’ club finished a few weeks ago – look out for the recipe book on our website in the coming days. A sincere thanks to our volunteer, Marina Engels, who gave her time so willingly to run the club with the ever-helpful Dolores. Our thanks also to New Communities Partnership for their English language club, staffed by volunteers all year.


Thank you to Ms. Marron and Audrey F for their art club, Ms. Lougheed and Mr. Carney for our award-winning athletics club and to Ms. Conlon for inspiring some new engineers in our STEM club.


These clubs have all finished for the year and we look forward to even more exciting ventures next year.


Ms. Lennon’s singing club finishes next Thursday – parents/carers are invited to a mini-concert at 3.15 p.m. to celebrate!


Drama lessons will finish on Wednesday, 20th June while our girls multi-sports club will finish on Tuesday, 19th June. Romanian classes will finish on Tuesday, 26th June.


Dates for your diary

Sun. 10 June – Family Mass at 11.45

12 June – ‘Time to Read’ Celebration

21 June – 1st Class to the Zoo

22 June – Green Flag Raising

Sat. 23 June – 3rd Class ‘Cruinniu’ event

27 June – Aladdin Jr. Performance

28 June – 6th Class Graduation

29 June – School Closes at 12 noon


Attendance and punctuality

Well done to Ms. McBride’s 1st Class with 98.6% attendance this week – the second week a row!


Doodle Den Graduation

We had a lovely graduation ceremony on Thursday for our Senior Infants taking part in the Doodle Den programme. The children have worked so hard all year and have made great progress in their literacy learning at this very special after-school club. Well done children and thanks to the parents and carers who came to celebrate with us. Special thanks to Ms. Todd, Amy and Orlaith who have been wonderful Doodle Den facilitators this year.


Parents/carers in Junior Infants, if you would like your child to take part in Doodle Den next year, please chat to Ms. Todd about it.


Tickets for Aladdin Jr.

Tickets will go on sale on Wednesday for our performance of Aladdin Jr. in Liberty Hall Theatre on 27th June. All of the children in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Class are involved. Ms. Brophy will have all the information ready for you early next week.


Romanian Classes

There will be a meeting for Romanian families interested in continuing our Romanian after-school classes, in partnership with the Romanian Embassy, next year. If you would like to attend this meeting, please come along on Monday, 18th June at 9.00 a.m. to meet Anka Borzasi our teacher.


And finally…

Amy Healy, one of our special needs assistants, leaves us today to start her maternity leave. We wish her all the best over these next exciting few weeks and look forward to sharing her good news with you all soon.


Enjoy the sunshine this weekend,



Éadaoin Kelly – Principal


5 Tips for Parents from Common Sense Media

Choose the good stuff (and not too much!). When your children ask to see, play, or download something, don’t just take their word for it — check up on it. Say no if you’re not comfortable with it. And when you approve something, help your children enjoy it along with their other activities.

Don’t use screens right before bed and keep them out of the bedroom overnight. Children really need their sleep. Screens in the bedroom — especially in the hour before bedtime — interfere with the entire process of winding down, preparing for rest, and waking up refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

Turn off the TV if no one is watching it. A lot of parents of young children keep the TV on for company. But so-called background TV has been shown to get in the way of parents talking and interacting with their children — which are key to helping children learn language and communication. Background TV can also expose children to age-inappropriate content.

Make time for enjoying media with your children, especially reading. Reading to your child is one of the best things you can do. It’s great for bonding, but it also sets the stage for learning. Feel free to read books or articles to them in your home language. Or just make up stories — it’s the rhythm, sounds, and communication that are important for children to hear.

Practice what you preach. Remember, your children are watching you. When your children are little, create a family media plan to help you balance media and tech (theirs and yours) with all of the other things that are important to you. This isn’t just for them; it’s for you, too. Schedule in downtime, chores, homework, outdoor fun, reading, meals, etc. And then figure out how much extra is available for TV shows, games, apps and other media activities.

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Senior Infants visit the Airport

Our Senior Infant classes have had some brilliant visits to Dublin Airport over the last few weeks. The children have applied all their learning to a real-life context and had the opportunity to practice all of the new language they have learned. Thank you to the staff at the airport who have been so welcoming and generous with their time.

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