Senior Infants go Shopping!

Miss Brophy’s Class have their very own supermarket open for business this week.

Newsletter 23.9.16



23rd September 2016


Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,


News this week

I hope you all had a chance to see the super video of the children singing in their Dublin colours last weekend on There is a link on our Twitter page @stmarysdorsetst if you missed it! Well done to everyone and thanks to Mr. Kerr for organising us all.


Meet the Teacher

Next week, we will be hosting ‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings in each class. It is a chance to find out how you can help your child at home and to ask any questions you might have. The timetable is as follows:


Junior Infants – Monday at 1.00 p.m.

Senior Infants – Monday at 9.00 a.m.

1st Class (Miss Dolan) – Thursday at 2.00 p.m.

1st/2nd Class (Miss Calvey) – Wednesday at 2pm

2nd Class (Miss Collins) – Wednesday at 2 p.m.

3rd Class – Tuesday at 9.00 a.m.

4th Class – Wednesday at 9.00 a.m.

5th Class – Thursday at 9.00 a.m.

6th Class – Tuesday at 2.00 p.m.


We look forward to seeing you then. Please let us know if the time doesn’t suit you and we will make every effort to ensure we share the information with you at another time.


Photography Policy

We recently updated our photography policy and we will share it with you at our ‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings next week. Please make sure you read it carefully and return a signed copy to us as soon as possible.

Emergency Contacts and Educational Visits

Thanks to all the families who have already returned an updated contact information sheet and have signed permission for their child to attend local visits. It is important that we hold this information for every child, so please return your signed forms as soon as possible.


Secondary School Transfer

Over the next few weeks, the secondary schools in the area will be hosting open day and open evenings for 6th Class children (or sometimes 4th and 5th Class children) to visit and have a look around. It is important that families go along and see the schools and ask any questions that you might have. The secondary schools may also pop into classes and talk to the children too. If you have any questions about applying for secondary school, please talk to your child’s class teacher or call in to see Sile, our Home School teacher.


Dates for your diary

4th October – 3rd and 4th Class to National Concert Hall for ‘Music in the Classroom’

12th-19th October – Book Fair

28th October – School closes for Mid-Term Holiday

7th November – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.


Attendance and punctuality

Another great week of attendance. Well done to Ms. O’Donovan’s Junior Infants and 4th Class who both achieved 100%! Every single child was in school every day. Well done too to 3rd Class with 99%, Miss Calvey’s 1st/2nd on 99%, 6th Class on 98% and 5th Class with 97%!



Wishing all families a lovely weekend,


Éadaoin Kelly



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Supporting the Dubs in the All-Ireland Final!

We are big Dublin supporters at St. Mary’s Primary School and we all wore our county colours today to support the team before the All-Ireland final on Sunday.





Newsletter 16.9.16



16th September 2016


Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,


News this week

Happy Eid to all of our Muslim families who celebrated on Monday. We hope you had a lovely day.


On Tuesday, 5th and 6th Class visited the library in Dun Laoghaire to take part in a special workshop for ‘Roald Dahl Day’. The children had a great time and you can see some photos on our Twitter account @stmarysdorsetst. 5th Class were lucky enough to be filmed by RTE Television’s ‘News2Day’ programme and were featured on TV on Tuesday’s edition! You can find the episode on their website.


Today, we came together to celebrate and send lots of luck to the Dublin football team who will play in the All-Ireland final at Croke Park on Sunday. Lots of children wore the Dublin colours of blue and navy and the older children sang a rousing version of ‘Sam is Coming Home’, a traditional Dublin song about the ‘Sam Maguire’ cup which we hope the Dubs will win for the second year in a row on Sunday!


Emergency Contacts

On Monday, your child will bring home an envelope with a letter containing the contact information we currently hold for you. Please check these details carefully and if there are any changes, please mark them on the sheet and return it to Liz in the office. It is very important that we have ‘up-to-date’ details so that we can get in touch with you in case of emergency. Thank you.

Meet the Teacher

Please check your child’s bag for a letter about our ‘meet the teacher’ meetings which will take place in the week beginning Monday, 26th September. Each class will have a time slot either first thing in the morning or just before the children go home for parents/carers to come into school to meet their child’s class teacher and find out about the learning taking place in that class over the coming year. It is a chance to find out how you can help your child at home and to ask any questions you might have. Please make every effort to come along.


Doodle Den

A reminder for parents in Senior Infants – if your child has been selected to take part in ‘Doodle Den’, there is a meeting on Monday at 1.30 p.m. and the children will start the programme on Tuesday.


Dates for your diary

4th October – 3rd and 4th Class to National Concert Hall for ‘Music in the Classroom’

12th-19th October – Book Fair

28th October – School closes for Mid-Term Holiday

7th November – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.


Attendance and punctuality

I am so impressed with the children’s attendance since we started back and particularly with the added pressure of the bus strikes. Well done to everyone for making such a great effort to be at school on time.

A special well done to 5th Class who have the best attendance of the week at 99%!



Let’s hope the sun stays out for the weekend!


Éadaoin Kelly


Roald Dahl Day

5th and 6th Class visited the Lexicon Library and took part in a writing workshop for Roald Dahl Day!

Newsletter 9.9.16



9th September 2016


Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,


Welcome back!

We have had a great start to the year, with lots of happy and well-rested children ready for an exciting term ahead.


A special welcome to our 45 new Junior Infants who have started school with Ms. Todd and Ms. O’Donovan and to a number of children who have joined us in other classes across the school. We welcome you and your families to St. Mary’s and look forward to working with you.


Welcome back to Mr. Carney, Ms. Conlon and Ms. McDevitt who have returned to work with us this year and we welcome Ms. Bourke, Ms. Sheridan and Ms. McBride who join our staff team. We will be arranging welcome meetings for each class group over the coming weeks so that you can meet your child’s new teacher and find out more about their learning in their new class and how you can help them at home.


Holiday Works

We were delighted to receive funding from the Department of Education to upgrade our electrical systems and lighting over the summer. A huge amount of work was completed over the month of August, with brand new, modern lighting and electrics fitted in every classroom and office in the building. We also have new emergency lighting and a new fire alarm system.


The works are almost finished, but you may have noticed that the Hall is still out of use and the Computer Room is also a work in progress. The electricians are working in the evenings to finish this work and we hope to have the building back to ourselves by the end of the month.


I must say a huge thank you to the whole staff who worked incredibly hard to prepare the school in a very short space of time and transform it back to the lovely learning space you see today. My biggest thank you is for Colm, our caretaker, who as always, was on hand throughout the works and worked so hard to ensure the school was ready and safe for children last Thursday.


As the hall is not in use, we cannot open it in the mornings if it rains. Please note that if it is raining between 8.40 a.m. and 8.50 a.m., we cannot open the hall. Children are welcome inside to breakfast club instead.


Home-School Community Liaison

Sile McDonnell is our new Home-School Community Liaison teacher this year. Sile’s office is right beside the school office and she is available to support parents and families with any concerns or questions you may have. Sile will be contacting you soon with details of parent classes and other activities you can get involved in – please do come along!


Cookery class for parents takes place at Mount Carmel Secondary School on Tuesday mornings – please talk to Sile if you’d like to join.


Supervision in the Morning

A reminder that children are welcome at school for breakfast club and to wait in the playground from 8.40 a.m. Children should not arrive to school before this time and we ask that children are not left waiting unsupervised at the gate before this. We have staff outside and inside to look after the children from 8.40 a.m. but the school cannot take responsibility for children before then.


School Books and Tracksuits

Thank you to all families who have already paid the €60 for books, copies and school resources. If you have not made this payment or have only made a deposit, please call into the school office and see Liz. We are happy to take money in instalments if this is easier for you. Tracksuits can be ordered with Liz and cost €21 each.


Dates for your diary

13th September – 5th and 6th Class to Dun Laoghaire Library for Roald Dahl Day

4th October – 3rd and 4th Class to National Concert Hall for ‘Music in the Classroom’

12th-19th October – Book Fair

28th October – School closes for Mid-Term Holiday

7th November – School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.


Attendance and punctuality

Many thanks to the many parents and carers who brought their children back to school on the right day and in good time. We talk to the children about having excellent attendance and have a target of at least 95% for each child (this is no more than 9 days of absence across the year).


Please let us know if your child will not be in school by calling the school office on (01) 8300841, emailing or filling out the absence form on our website.


A big well done to Miss Dolan’s 1st Class who have a 100% attendance record so far! Well done too to Ms. O’Donovan’s Junior Infants, Ms. McDevitt’s Senior Infants and Ms. Calvey’s 1st/2nd Class who are all at 99% – that’s super!

Please remember that school starts promptly at 8.50 a.m. every day.

Junior and Senior Infants finish at 1.30 p.m.

1st – 6th Classes finish at 2.30 p.m.


Term dates for 2016-2017


1 September 2016 Children back to school at 8.50 a.m.
31 October – 4 November 2016 Mid-Term Break
22 December 2016 School closes for Christmas Holidays
23 December – 8 January 2017 Christmas Holidays
9 January 2017 School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.
23 and 24 February 2017 Mid-Term Break
17 March 2017 St. Patrick’s Day – Bank Holiday
7 April 2017 School closes for Easter Holidays
8 April –            23 April 2017 Easter holidays
24 April 2017 School re-opens at 8.50 a.m.
1 May 2017 May Day Bank Holiday
1, 2, 5, 6 June 2017 June Bank Holiday and Mid-Term Break
30 June 2017 School closes for Summer Holidays


Have a lovely weekend!


Éadaoin Kelly – Principal

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Newsletter 30.6.16



30th June 2016


Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,


Thank you!

I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every member of our community – children, parents, carers and staff for your support and commitment to our school this year.

It makes a huge difference to the success of a school when the parents and carers are so supportive of the school and work with us to get the very best for each child. We really appreciate how much you do to help us in our work and thank you for bringing the children to us each morning and trusting them to our care. Thank you especially to those who helped with visits, volunteered, came to meetings and attended parent classes.

I also want to thank the wonderful staff, who work so hard every day. They are always so full of energy and enthusiasm and the children benefit so much from their creativity and hard work. We simply could not have such a successful school without their determination to see every child do well and their commitment to making this school the best it can be. It is a privilege to work with you – thank you all. Have a wonderful holiday and get lots of well-deserved rest!


Performances last week

What fantastic performances we saw last week of ‘Never judge a book by its cover’, a play written by our 6th class children. It was wonderful to see every single child on the stage, singing, dancing and acting so well. They made us very proud! Thank you for your lovely feedback and comments, we’re delighted you enjoyed it so much. Our thanks to Ms. Graham and the whole staff team who worked so hard to put the show together. Thanks also to Aedin our dance teacher for her choreography, to Colm our caretaker for his work on the beautiful sets, to Ms. Devereux for organising the wonderful lighting and Mr. Carney and Ms. Shortall who organised the sound. Well done to everyone!


Home-School Liaison Teacher

In our last newsletter, we shared all our staffing news and changes and left out a very important person!


As you know, Claire Shortall will be job-sharing next year and will move back to a teaching role. We must say a huge thank you to her for the wonderful job she has done as our Home-School Liaison teacher over the last number of years. Claire’s kindness and calmness are unparalleled and I know you will all want to wish her well. Thank you Claire!


We welcome Sile McDonnell to the role of HSCL from September. Sile has been working with Claire over the last few weeks to learn the ropes and I know she is excited to work with you.


Achievement Assembly

Yesterday, we had a special award ceremony for the children. Certificates and medals were presented to children with 95% attendance or more, with medals for children who missed only 1 or 2 days, and a Gold Medal to eight children who were at school every single day!


We congratulated 5th Class on their Certificate of Participation in the ‘Give Racism the Red Card’ competition. We also gave special awards to our national ‘Scratch’ competition winners and thanked Pirooz, who has volunteered his time each week to tutor our older children in computer programming.


We were also delighted to receive a special award for ‘Excellence in Science and Maths Learning’. Congratulations and thanks to Mr. Kerr who coordinated our application for this award.


We also presented ‘Class Citizen’ awards to Catalina, Charles, Muntaqa, Carl Shane, Jennifer and Briana for their exceptional attitudes to learning, kindness and helpfulness.


Our ‘School Citizen’ award was given to Eric Tran in 5th Class for his outstanding contribution to school life. He was chosen by the whole school staff and we were delighted his family were able to join us for the ceremony too. Well done Eric!


Active Schools Flag

We have been working hard all year to achieve the ‘Active Schools’ Flag, by being more active at home and at school. We had a visit last week from an assessor who met with teachers, parents and children to talk about our progress. She was very impressed with what we had achieved in a year and we have our fingers crossed that we will hear some good news soon about whether we have achieved the flag. Our thanks to Ms. O’Callaghan, Ms. Kilkenny and the Be Active team for their hard work this year. We have made big changes for the better and we are very proud of all you have done!


Graduation Ceremony

Yesterday, we said our final goodbyes to 6th Class at a special Graduation ceremony. The children read us their memories of their time at primary school and sang for us. We read a special poem written by their teacher Ms. Graham and presented special certificates.


They have been a wonderful group to work with and great role models for our younger children. We wish them all the very best as they move on to secondary school. Make sure you all come back to visit us!



to Miss Graham, who got married at the weekend! We wish Patricia and her new husband Davide every happiness together.


And finally…

I send my very best wishes to every family for a restful and happy summer holiday. We are seeing lots of you next week for our summer camps! They run Monday to Friday (4th-8th July) from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

For everyone else, we look forward to seeing you back with us on Thursday, 1st September at 8.50 a.m.


Happy holidays!


Éadaoin Kelly


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Graduation Ceremony

We said our final goodbyes to 6th Class at a special Graduation ceremony today. The children read us their memories of their time at primary school and sang for us. We read a special poem written by their teacher Ms. Graham and presented special certificates.

They have been a wonderful group to work with and great role models for our younger children.

We wish them all the very best as they move on to secondary school. Make sure you all come back to visit us!

Here are some photos we shared today of their time with us at St. Mary’s:


Sports Day!

We had a super Sports Day today. The children were mixed together with older children supporting younger children. We had a three-legged race, sack race, potato and spoon race, welly throwing and lots more at Kings’ Inns. Back at school, there was an obstacle course, water relays and a range of games for children to take part in. They had a wonderful day!

Newsletter 17.6.16



17th June 2016



Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,


Staffing for Next Year

We have been working over the last few weeks to prepare our staffing for next year.


There are a few changes I’d like to make you aware of. Mr. Carney and Ms. Conlon will return to us following their career breaks. Ms. McDevitt also returns to us after a year teaching in Cavan. We are delighted to have them back with us. We will also welcome Anna Bourke, a new class teacher and from September, Ms. Devereux and Ms. Shortall will be job-sharing in a support role.


Ms. Griffin, who has been on maternity leave, will be moving school in September to job-share with another teacher and be closer to her young family. I know you will be sorry to hear this news as Ms. Griffin has been at St. Mary’s for a long time. We send her and her family our very best wishes and thank her for her dedication and commitment to our school, and Plás Mhuire, over her years here. Ms. Roche will also be away on maternity leave from September and we wish her all the best and look forward to seeing her back with us in 2017.


Below are the class teachers and support teachers for next year:


  • Miss McDonnell’s Junior Infants will move to Senior Infants with Miss McDevitt.
  • Miss Brophy’s Junior Infants will move to Senior Infants with….Miss Brophy again!
  • Miss Haren’s Senior Infants will move to 1st Class with Miss Dolan.
  • Miss Todd’s Senior Infants and 1st Class will move to 1st/2nd Class with Miss Calvey.
  • Miss Palmer’s 1st Class will move to 2nd Class with Miss Collins.
  • Miss Oppermann’s 2nd Class will move to 3rd with our new teacher, Miss Bourke.
  • Collins’s 3rd Class will move to 4th Class with Miss Kilkenny.
  • Miss Kilkenny’s 4th Class will move to 5th Class with Miss King.
  • Kerr’s 5th Class will move to 6th Class with Miss Graham.


Ms. O’Callaghan, Mr. Kerr, Ms. Devereux, Ms. Shortall, Mr. Carney, Ms. Oppermann, Ms. Palmer, Ms. Glynn, Ms. Conlon and Ms. Haren will make up our super support team!


I’m sure you’ll agree, the children are in very safe hands. Over the next couple of weeks, the children will have a chance to meet their new teacher and see their new classroom and the teachers will be meeting to discuss the children’s learning needs so that we are ready for September.


News this week (and last week!)

Last week, 3rd Class had a wonderful day at Dollymount Strand for their tour.


We had our final celebration for our 2nd Class children in the Time to Read programme. We were very proud of them all and they earned lovely certificates and lots of praise from their volunteers.


This week, Senior Infants and 1st Class had a great day at Dublin Zoo. They saw lots of animals and despite the rain, really enjoyed themselves. They were also complimented on their wonderful behaviour by some visitors from Armagh! Well done Senior Infants and 1st Class.


As always, the photos from these events are on our Twitter page @stmarysdorsetst or on the school website – . You’ll also find copies of our newsletters and lots more information that you can translate into your home language.


International Day

What a fantastic event we had last week for International Day. The march from the Garden of Remembrance with the piper and colour party was very exciting and the ceremony to unveil our special plaque was very special. Thank you to Mr. Kerr who organised it all and the children who spoke, sang and danced.


The International Day food event was also a real treat – thank you to the many, many families who brought a dish to share. There was such a wonderful variety of food. We are very grateful for your support and hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!


Active Schools Week

This week was active week. Every morning we started with ‘Wake and Shake’ which was a great way to get us all moving and energised! Each day, the children completed different activities led by members of staff – gymnastics with Miss Kilkenny on Monday, orienteering with Ms. O’Callaghan on Tuesday, games with Miss King on Thursday and dance with Miss Collins today.


Our thanks to Miss O’Callaghan for coordinating such a great week. We have a special visit on Monday to see if we will be awarded the ‘Active Flag’ for all of our work – fingers crossed!


Performances – Wednesday 22nd June

Our annual school performance ‘Never judge a book by its cover’ will take place on Wednesday, 22nd June. The performance is written by our 6th class children and every class is involved. As our school is so large, we will have TWO performances. One at 1.00 p.m. and another at 6.00 p.m. ALL children in the school will perform in both shows. Adults will be able to buy tickets for one performance – either afternoon or evening. Unfortunately, we do not have enough space to accommodate more than two tickets per family.


Summer Camps

We still have places for older children on our summer camp from 4th-8th July. Please let us know if you’d like your child to attend. The places are FREE!


School Reports

Today, your child will be bringing home their school report. Please contact us next week if you would like to discuss any part of it.


Dates for your diary

22nd June – School Performance

30th June – School finishes at 12 noon

1st September – Children return to school


Have a lovely weekend!




Éadaoin Kelly


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